Thursday, April 25, 2013

Communal lies and secular statistics

By Priyadarshi Dutta on April 24, 2013 

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) Annual Report 2012-13 is out. According to it, there were 668 communal incidents in the country during 2012. A total of 94 lives were lost and 3,117 people were injured. During 2011, there were 580 communal incidents reported in which 91 people died and 1,899 people were injured. The communal violence in Kokrajhar, Chirang and Dhubri districts in Assam in July-August 2012 had led to 99 killings and displacement of 4.85 lakh persons to relief camps. In November, the violence recrudesced in Kokrajhar leading to death of 10 persons.
Under a professedly ‘secular’ UPA Government, the incidents of communal violence remain quite high.
Communal incidents during UPA rule
Serial No
Number of communal incidents
Number of deaths
Number of injured persons
(Source: Annual Reports, Ministry of Home Affairs)
The communal situation of India is prickly and likely to worsen with sharpening imbalances in religious demography. The UPA, which consistently blames the previous NDA rule as communal, is now countenancing the reality. Assam, Maharashta, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh – Congress-ruled States have witnessed a lot of communal violence in recent years.
The only thing the UPA Government is hiding is the devil in the details. Until recently, the MHA annual reports used to have two additional columns – ‘Hindu-Muslim communal situation’ and ‘Hindu-Christian communal situation’. The Hindu-Muslim scenario generally engaged greater attention. The column used to identify the States where the most number of Hindu-Muslim communal incidents took place during that year. It also used to identify the major issues of communal riots. The major issues mentioned used to be — carrying and slaughtering of cattle, routing religious processions through mixed localities, construction of religious structures on disputed lands, playing provocative CDs/cassettes, dispute over land/property, eve-teasing and personal enmity.
The identity of the offender becomes evident in the first factor — carrying and slaughtering of cattle — if not in some of the others as well. This militates against the devious paradigm of National Advisory Council’s (NAC) ‘Prevention of Communal and Targetted Violence Bill, 2011’ that presumes only the majority community can be offender and minority the victim. Thus Hindus can be declared offenders even if they were trying to save a cow (cow protection is directive of state policy in the Constitution of India).
In the last two MHA annual reports, these two columns of Hindu-Muslim and Hindu-Christian incidents have been omitted. This seems to have been done to help the NAC. Admitting cow-trafficking/slaughter as one of the major reasons of riots would have exposed the NAC’s position. NAC wanted us to believe that minority cannot instigate communal trouble. There were rumours that the NAC’s controversial Communal Violence Bill might be introduced during the latter half of the Budget Session.
A long-term study of communal violence in independent India would show they became a permanent phenomenon after the 1960s. The graph remained high since the Jubbulpur Riots, 1961. In 1964, there were 1,070 incidents — in 1960 there were only 26. What it actually shows was that the Muslims, aided by ‘secularist’ friends, emerging out the post-partition stupor. During the 1950s, the Muslims generally lay low due to their guilt of having created Pakistan. Their numbers had depleted and their elite and middle class had migrated to Pakistan. During the 1960s and 1970s, this Muslim middle class was slowly being reconstituted. There was a popular belief that education would make Muslims progressive and content. The results, however, have shown the opposite.
In those days, there was a spirit of reprisal amongst Hindus. The Hindu identity had not been shattered by the rise of casteist politics co-opting Muslims. On May 21, 1970, NN Jha, India’s representative at the United Nations, had stated that communal riots in India were very often reactions of that type in Pakistan. Atrocities on residual Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh have resurged during the current decade. But the Hindus of India are no longer actuated by them, nor are present day diplomats courageous enough to make such statements in the UNO. In the meanwhile, Muslims have reorganised themselves in India far more powerfully. No wonder one of their leaders threatened that India could be overrun by Muslims if police were removed for a mere 15 minutes. The MHA is concealing this communal reality

स्वामी विवेकानंद : हिंदू, हिंदू राष्ट्र और हिंदू धर्म


हिंदू’ शब्द को आजकलऔर विशेषत: राजनीतिक क्षेत्र मेंएक संकीर्ण अर्थ चिपकाने की कोशिशें जारी हैं| ‘हिंदू’, अन्य संप्रदायों की भॉंति एक संप्रदाय मात्र हैऐसा प्रचारित किया जा रहा हैअत:जो कोई हिंदू कीहिंदू-हित कीया हिंदू-राष्ट्र की बात करता हैउसे सांप्रदायिक और अराष्ट्रीय मानने की प्रवृत्ति दिख रही हैउसे सेक्युलरराजनीति का शत्रु माना जा रहा हैएक अजीब बात यह है कि जो संप्रदायविशेष का विचार कर अपनी नीतियॉं और कार्यक्रम बना रहे हैंउन्हें सेक्युलर’ कहा जा रहा है|और जो सब पंथों को समान समझोराजनीति और राज्यशासन पंथनिरपेक्ष होना चाहियेऐसा कहते हैंउन्हें सांप्रदायिक कह कर उनकी निंदा की जा रही हैवैचारिक व्यभिचार का ऐसा विचित्र उदाहरण दुनिया में शायद हीऔर कहीं मिल पायेगा|
हिंदू’ होने का अभिमान इस परिप्रेक्ष्य मेंजिनकी १५० वी जयंतिअब अपने देश में मनाई जानेवाली हैउन स्वामी विवेकानंद के विचार क्या थेयह जानना सचमुच उद्बोधक होगाहमारे सार्वजनिक जीवन की कई भ्रांतियॉं दूर करने में वे सहायक होंगे|
स्वामीजी कहते हैं, ‘‘हिंदू होने का मुझे अभिमान हैमैं आप का देशवासी हूँ इसका मुझे गर्व है(Complete works of Vivekanand. vol-3, page 381) हिंदू शब्द सुनते हीशक्ति का उत्साहवर्धक प्रवाह आपके अंदर जागृत होगा तभी आप सच्चे अर्थ में हिंदू कहने लायक बनते हैंआपके समाज के लोगों में आपको अनेक कमियॉं देखने को मिलेंगीकिन्तु उनकी रगों में जो हिंदू रक्त हैउस पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करोगुरु गोविंदसिंह के समान बनोहिंदू कहते ही सब संकीर्ण झगडे समाप्त होंगेऔर जो जो हिंदू है,उसके प्रति सघन प्रेम आपके अंत:करण में उमड पडेगा|’’ (तत्रैव पृ. ३७९)
हिंदू- एक राष्ट्र
स्वामीजी के विचार में हिंदू यह एक राष्ट्र हैयह नि:संदिग्ध रीति से स्पष्ट होता हैअमरिका तथा यूरोप में भाषण देते समय उन्होंने कई बार हिंदू नेशन’ इस शब्दावलिका प्रयोग किया हैइससे स्पष्ट होता है किउनके मन में हिंदू-राष्ट्र यही भाव रहता थाअनेकों बार तो उन्होंने हिंदू-राष्ट्र’ इसी शब्दावलि का प्रयोग किया हैजैसे- (i) The Sages of India have been almost innumerable for, what has the Hindu Nation been doing for thousands of years except producing sages?(तत्रैव पृ. २४८)
(ii) The Hindus are perhaps the most exclusive Nation in the world. They have the same great steadiness as the English, but much more amplified. (Vol-IV Page 157)
खेत्री के महाराज को लिखे पत्र में स्वामी जी लिखते हैं - So long as they forgot the past, the Hindu Nation remained in state of stupor; and as soon as they have begun to look into their past, there is on every side a fresh manifestation of life." (Vol-IV Page 270)
१८९९ मेंदूसरी बार अमरिका में जाते समय, ‘पूर्व और पश्‍चिम’ इस शीर्षक के अपने लेख में स्वामी जी लिखते हैं- "Now you understand clearly where the soul of this progress is! It is in religion. Because no one was able to destroy that, therefore the Hindu Nation is still living." (Vol-V Page 362)

राष्ट्र : सांस्कृतिक अवधारणा
इस लेख में स्वामी जी ने धर्म’ के लिये रिलिजन’ शब्द का उपयोग किया हैकारणवे पाश्‍चात्त्य पाठकों को संबोधित करते थेकिन्तु धर्म’ और रिलिजन का अन्तर वे जानते थेइस की चर्चा मैं आगे करूंगायहॉं राष्ट्र’ का विचार प्रस्तुत हैस्वामी जी की दृष्टि में हिंदू किसी एक जमात का नाम नहीं हैसम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र का नाम हैऔर राष्ट्र क्या होता हैकई बडे बडे नेता राष्ट्र’ और राज्य’ समानार्थी मानते हैंकिन्तु यह गलत हैइसी गलत धारणा के कारण अपने यहॉं बोला जाता है कि १५ अगस्त १९४७ को नये राष्ट्र का जन्म हुआतो क्या १४ अगस्त को हम राष्ट्र’ नहीं थे? ‘राष्ट्र’ नहीं थे तो क्या थेवस्तुत:१५ अगस्त को नये राष्ट्र’ का नहींनये राज्य’ का जन्म हुआराष्ट्र तो बहुत प्राचीन काल से चलते आया हैराज्य एक राजकीय व्यवस्था हैजो कानून के बल पर चलती है| ‘राष्ट्र’ एक सांस्कृतिक और आध्यात्मिक अवधारणा है| ‘राष्ट्र’ लोगों का बनता हैराष्ट्र यानी लोग होते हैंवे लोग जो अपनी भूमि को अपनी माता के रूप में देखते हैंजो अपने अतीत को अपना अतीत मानते हैंऔर जिनके जीवनमूल्य (value system) याने जिनके अच्छे-बुरे मापने के मापदण्ड समान होते हैंयाने जिनकी संस्कृति समान होती हैउनका राष्ट्र होता हैअपने देश में ऐसे लोगों का नाम हिंदू हैइस लिये यह हिंदू राष्ट्र हैअर्नेस्ट रेनॉं नाम के फ्रान्सिसी विचारवंत लिखते हैं- "The soil provides the substratum, the field for struggle and labour, man provides the soul. Man is everything in the formation of this sacred thing that we call a people. Nothing that is material suffices here. A nation is a spiritual principle, the result of the intricate workings of history, a spiritual family and not a group determined by the configuration of the earth."
वे आगे लिखते हैं- "Two things which are really one go to make this soul or spiritual principle. One of these things lies in the past, the other in the present. The one is the possession in common of a rich heritage of memories and the other is actual agreement, the desire to live together and the will to make the most of the joint inheritance. Man cannot be improvised. The nation like the individual is the fruit of a long past spent in toil, sacrifice and devotion.......... To share the glories of the past, and a common will in the present, to have done great good deeds together and to desire to do more - these are essential conditions of a people's being. Love is in proportion to the sacrifice one has made and the evils one has borne."
(भावार्थ :  भूमि आधार होती हैवह संघर्ष और परिश्रम का क्षेत्र होता हैमनुष्य उसको आत्मा अर्पण करता हैजिस पवित्र स्थिति को हम राष्ट्र’ कहते हैंउस के निर्माण में मनुष्यही सब कुछ होता हैकितनी भी भौतिक सामग्री पर्याप्त नहीं होती| ‘राष्ट्र’ यानी एक आध्यात्मिक अवधारणा हैऐतिहासिक घटनाओं का वह परिणाम होता है| ‘राष्ट्रएक आध्यात्मिक परिवार होता हैवह भूभाग से सीमित समूह नहीं होता|
दो बातेंजो वस्तुत: एक ही हैइस आत्मतत्त्व को या कहिये आध्यात्मिक अवधारणा कोबनाती  हैइन दोनों में एक अतीत की होती हैऔर दूसरी वर्तमान कीएक होती है स्मृतियों का समृद्ध खजीना और दूसरी होती है प्रत्यक्ष सहमतिसाथ साथ रहने की अभिलाषा और इस समृद्ध बिरासत को अधिक उज्ज्वल करने की इच्छामनुष्य को कृत्रिम चीजों से बनाया नहीं जाता| ‘राष्ट्र’ भी मनुष्य की तरहपरिश्रमबलिदान और भक्ति में बीते अतीत का परिणाम होता है|..... अतीत में गौरववर्तमान में सहमति,महान् कृतियों की साथ साथ अनुभूति और इस से भी बढिया करने आकांक्षा- राष्ट्र के अस्तित्व की अनिवार्य शर्ते हैंहमारे बलिदानों की और झेले हुये संकटों की मात्रा में अपनी प्रीति बनती है|)
दो उदाहरण
हिंदू जीवनमूल्य अन्य पंथोंसंप्रदायोंमजहबों या रिलिजनों का द्वेष नहीं सिखातेउन्हीं जीवनमूल्यों को हमने अपने आचरण में दर्शाया भी हैइसी कारण तो हिंदुस्थान में पारसी अपने मजहब के साथ सैंकडों वर्षों से सम्मान से जी रहे हैंसोचने की बात है कि पारसीउनकी मातृभूमि में पर्शिया में (आज का इराण) क्यौं नहीं रह सकेवैसे ही यहुदी भीवे अपनी मातृभूमि से कटने के बाद यूरोप के कई देशों में  बिखर गयेवहॉं पर उनको घृणित अत्याचारों का सामना करना पडा किन्तु जो थोडे हिंदुस्थान में आये वे इज्जत के साथ रह सकेये हमारे जीवनमूल्य यानी हमारी संस्कृति हैऔर राष्ट्रत्व का मुख्य आधारस्तंभ संस्कृति होती है|
संगठन का रहस्य
हिंदू राष्ट्र के सामने की चुनौतियों का भी जिक्र स्वामी जी ने किया हैएक स्थान पर स्वामीजी लिखते है- ‘‘अपने हिंदुस्थान में शक्ति की कमी हैअन्य देशों की तुलना में हम दुर्बल हैंशारीरिक दुर्बलता यह हमारे एक तिहाई दु:ख का कारण हैहम आलसी हैहम स्वार्थी हैहम एकत्र नहीं आ सकतेपरस्पर का मत्सर किये बिना हम कोई काम ही नहीं कर सकतेहमें संगठित होने की आवश्यकता हैकेवल इच्छाशक्ति से यह काम नहीं बनेगाऐसी एक संस्था हमें बनानी होगी जिस में लोग नियमित रूप से एकत्र आयेंगेमेरे मित्रोंझूठी बातों से सावधान रहेतेजस्विता आपके पीछे आयेगीसंगठित होने का एक स्वभाव भी होता हैहमारा यह स्वभाव नहीं हैउसे हमको बनाना पडेगाइस हेतु मत्सररहितता यह प्रधान सूत्र हैअपने सहयोगियों से परामर्श करनाउनके विचारों से सहमत होना और अपने विचारों से उनको सहमत करनाइस में संगठन का रहस्य हैसब को प्रेम से जीतिये और बढते जाइयेगतिशील बनेगतिशीलताही जीवंतता का लक्षण है|’’
स्वामी जी का आवाहन
‘‘अपने अंत:करण से केवल प्रेम के शब्द प्रकट होंऐसा हुआतो अपने सब पंथो में जो कलह दीखते हैंवे मिट जायेंगे| ‘हिंदू’ इस शब्द पर, ‘हिंदू’ यह नाम धारण करनेवाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति परआत्यंतिक प्रेम करना हम सीखेंवह किसी भी प्रान्त में रहनेवाला होकोई भी भाषा बोलनेवाला होवह हिंदू हैयह ध्यान में आते हीवह आप को अपने निकट काअपना प्रियतम लगेगातभी आप आज सही अर्थ में हिंदू कहलाने लायक होंगे|’’
समस्त हिंदूओं को स्वामी जी का आवाहन है- ‘‘यह मत भूलो कि तुम्हारा जन्म व्यक्तिगत उपभोग के लिए नहीं हैभूलो मत कि तुम्हारा जन्म जगदम्बा के चरणों में समर्पित होने के लिये हैभूलो मत कि ये शूद्रवर्णीयअज्ञानीनिरक्षरगरीबयह मछुआरायह भंगी ये सारे तुम्हारे ही अस्थिमांस के हैंये सारे तुम्हारे भाई हैंतुम धैर्यशील बनो|अपने हिंदुत्व का अभिमान धारण करोऔर स्वाभिमान से घोषणा करो कि मैं हिंदू हूँप्रत्येक हिंदू मेरा भाई हैअशिक्षित हिंदूगरीब और अनाथ हिंदूब्राह्मण हिंदू और अस्पृश्य हिंदू- प्रत्येक हिंदू मेरा भाई हैतुम केवल लंगोटीधारी होंगे फिर भी गर्जना करो कि सारे हिंदू मेरे भाई हैंहिंदुत्व यही मेरा जीवनहिंदुस्थान की सब देवदेवताएं मेरी भी देवदेवताएं हैंयह विशाल समाज यानी मेरे बचपन का झूला हैयौवन का नंदनवन है और बूढापे की वाराणशी हैइस हिंदुस्थान की धूलि यानी मेरे लिये इन्द्रलोक हैहिंदुस्थान का भाग्य यानी मेरा भाग्य हैअरे भाईदिनरात इस का ही जयजयकार करो और प्रार्थना करो कि हे भगवन्हे जगज्जननीमुझे पुरुषार्थ देहे शक्तिदेवते मेरी दुर्बलता को समाप्त करमेरे अंदर की क्लीबता नष्ट कर और मुझे पौरुषसम्पन्न कर|’’ (Vol-IV Page 412-418) इस पर और अधिक भाष्य की आवश्यकता नहीं है|
अब थोडी धर्म’ की बातयह बात सही हैं कि स्वामीजी ने धर्म’ के लिये रिलिजन’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया हैक्यौं कि वे अंग्रेजी भाषी समुदाय के सामने बोल रहे थेकिन्तु हिंदू धर्म और अन्य रिलिजन का अन्तर वे जानथे थेस्वामी जी लिखते हैं- ‘‘ख्रिस्ती मजहब ख्रिस्तपर आधारित हैइस्लाम महमदसाहब के ऊपरबौद्ध भगवान बुद्ध परजैन जिनोंपर- इस तरह ये सारे रिलिजन्स’ व्यक्ति पर निर्भर हैहमारा धर्म व्यक्ति पर नहीं सिद्धान्त पर आधारित हैभगवान कृष्ण भी वेदों से श्रेष्ठ नहींश्रीकृष्ण भी वेद को श्रेष्ठ मानते थेश्रीकृष्ण को देवत्व का अधिकार इस लिये प्राप्त है कि उन्होंने वेदों की शिक्षा का सर्वोत्तम प्रकटीकरण अपने जीवन में किया|’’
धर्म’ की परिभाषा- धारणाद् धर्म इत्याहु: धर्मो धारयते प्रजा:’ इस प्रकार की हैवह चराचर सृष्टि की धारणा करता हैइस सृष्टि में जिस प्रकार भौतिक वस्तुएं हैंउसी प्रकार चैतन्य भी भरा हैउस चैतन्य का भी ध्यान रखना चाहिये किन्तु सृष्टि रचना को भी भूलना नहीं चाहियेइस लिये कहा गया है कि यतोऽभ्युदयनि:श्रेयससिद्धि: स धर्म:’|धर्म ऐहिक जीवन के लिये भी है और पारमार्थिक जीवन के लिये भीधर्म के जिस अंग का सम्बन्ध केवल पारमार्थिक जीवन सेपारमार्थिक कल्याण से हैउसी को रिलिजन,या मजहबया उपासना पंथया संप्रदाय ऐसा नाम हैअत: ये सब धर्म के अंग हैअंगी धर्म हैकारण वह व्यष्टि (व्यक्ति)समष्टिसृष्टि और परमेष्ठी को जोड के रखता हैइस धर्म का नाम हिंदू धर्म हैस्वामी जी कहते हैंयही विश्‍वधर्म हैवे यह भी कहते हैं कि एक तो कोई विश्‍वधर्म ही नहीं रहेगाऔर रहेगा तो वह हिंदू धर्म ही हैक्यौ कि हिंदू धर्म ही संपूर्ण विश्‍व को याने मानवव्यष्टिमानवसमष्टिचराचर सृष्टि और सब के अन्दर विराजमान चैतन्य यानी परमेष्ठी को एक सूत्र में पिरोकरउसका विचार करता हैअपने भाषा के कुछ शब्द देखिये धर्मशालाधर्मार्थ अस्पतालराजधर्मपुत्रधर्म आदि| ‘धर्मशाला’ रिलिजस स्कूल नहीं होती और न धर्मार्थ अस्पताल’ किसी रिलिजन का इलाज करता हैन राजधर्मराजा का रिलिजन होता हैजो प्रजा का नहीं होताऔर पुत्रधर्म पुत्र का रिलिजन नहीं होता जो उसके मॉं-बाप का नहीं हैहम अपने लिये कितना भी बडा भवन बनायेंवह धर्म नहींऔरों के निवास की जब आप व्यवस्था निर्माण करते हैंतब धर्मशाला खडी होती हैआप अपने लिये दवाइयों का कितना भी भण्डार बनायेवह धर्म’ नहीं हैजब औरों के आरोग्य की व्यवस्था तयार करते हैंतब धर्मार्थ दवाखाना बनता हैधर्मशाला और धर्मार्थ अस्पताल के द्वाराव्यक्ति या व्यक्तिसमूह मानवसमाज के साथ अपने को जोडता हैजो व्यापकता से अपने को जोडता है वह धर्म होता है|

-मा. गो. वैद्य
24 अप्रैल 2013

पहचान दिखाने के लिए बढ़ाई दाढ़ी, साम्प्रदायिक होता 'बल'

कश्मीर की पुलिसजम्मू-लद्दाख की अनदेखी-- 

Inline image 1

पहचान दिखाने के लिए बढ़ाई दाढ़ीसाम्प्रदायिक होता 'बल'

जम्मू-कश्मीर के कई पुलिसकर्मियों  ने अचानक लंबी-लंबी दाढ़ियां रखनी शुरू कर दी हैं। इस संबंध में यह उल्लेखनीय है कि राज्य सरकार ने पुलिस में भर्ती के लिए पुरानी प्रणाली के अतिरिक्त एक नया क्रम हाल ही में शुरू किया हैजिसे 'आन द स्पाटभर्ती कहा जा रहा है। इसके अंतर्गत छानबीन की प्रणाली में परिवर्तन के अतिरिक्त शैक्षिक योग्यता घटाकर मैट्रिक तथा मीडिल पास  को पुलिस में भर्ती की छूट मिल गई है। इस नई नीति के अंतर्गत गत दो वर्षों में लगभग हजार पुलिसकर्मी भर्ती किए गए हैं जिनमें 1300 से अधिक श्रीनगर के निवासी हैं। कहा जा रहा है कि जो नए पुलिसकर्मी भर्ती किए जा रहे हैं उनमें आत्मसमर्पण करने वाले उग्रवादियों के अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा बलों पर पत्थर बरसाने वाले युवक बड़ी संख्या में शामिल हैं।
सरकारी रपट के अनुसार वर्ष 2011 में शुरू हुई इस नई नीति के अंतर्गत 1837 पुलिसकर्मी भर्ती किए गए जिनमें 1663 मुसलमान, 166 हिन्दू तथा 5सिख हैं। 2012 में 1032 पुलिसकर्मी भर्ती किए गए जिनमें 768 मुसलमान, 252 हिन्दू तथा 12       सिख हैं।

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ram Navami puja not performed at Ayodha for first time in 64 years

Days after district administration order, prohibiting any religious activities at the disputed site in Ayodhya, Ram Navami puja was not performed at Ayodhya on Friday, first time in 64 years.
The Supreme Court in January this year, had ordered status quo on 67 acre land adjacent to the disputed site and restrained any kind of religious activity in the area.
The SC had further added that only the court appointed priest, Acharya Satyender Das, would be allowed to perform any kind of religious activities in the specified area, since the 67 acre land, has been taken over by the Centre
However, for the last 19 years, locals associated with the Ram Janma Bhoomi Seva Samiti had been performing prayers at the disputed site on the Ram Navami day.
District Magistrate Faizabad Vipin Kumar Dwivedi on April 15 had said, “We will ensure that no religious sentiments are hurt. We will abide by the Supreme Court’s orders and maintain status quo, as defined in various judgements.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Dragon Has Landed: What does the Chinese incursion into J&K mean?

China knows that Daulat Beg is a strategic asset for India as this 16,700 feet airstrip in Aksai Chin area is the world’s highest airstrip and is very close to the China border.
By Rajeev Sharma
Just when India-China bilateral engagement is peaking up, to and fro highest level visits are being planned and a calendar for the next round of Special Representatives’ level talks on the boundary issue is being prepared by the two sides, suddenly there is a flash in the pan. China has come up with perhaps the most ambitious, brazen and evidently well thought out incursion into the Indian territory.
On 15 April, 2013, several dozen soldiers of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) entered as deep as ten kilometers inside the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control in Daulat Beg in Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir) and set up a camp there.
The audacity of the Chinese operation is reflected from the fact that their ground troops were given cover and logistic help by two helicopters to enable them to set up a camp on the Indian territory.
Why did the Chinese choose Daulat Beg? Does this hitherto-unknown place hold any strategic significance? Reuters
Mercifully, the Indian response this time is neither meek nor knee jerk. Within two days of the Chinese putting up a camp in Daulat Beg, the Indian Army dispatched the 5th Battalion of Ladakh Scouts which set up its own camp barely 500 meters away from the Chinese camp.
The latest update available on the Daulat Beg situation on Saturday evening is that the Chinese troops are still there. The Indian troops are also there.
The upshot is that not a shot has been fired from either side but the India-China border can hardly be described as “tranquil”.
Why Daulat Beg?
Why did the Chinese choose Daulat Beg? Does this hitherto-unknown place hold any strategic significance?
The Chinese have not forgotten that it was at this place where the Indians had set up its landing strip during the 1962 Sino-Indian War. India reopened this strip and operationalized it five years ago. If a war were to break out between India and China, Daulat Beg would be a key frontline airstrip to launch air strikes against the Chinese.
China knows that Daulat Beg is a strategic asset for India as this 16,700 feet airstrip in Aksai Chin area is the world’s highest airstrip and is very close to the China border. The Indian Air Force operated Packet aircraft from this strip between 1962 and 1965.
The Indian Response
There has been no formal response from the UPA government on the continuing standoff and it is not likely also. China is not Pakistan. The Ministry of External Affairs handles China with utmost sensitivity. Whether this approach is right or wrong is another matter but this is a factual position.
Government sources, however, gave a fairly elaborate reaction to the latest Chinese provocation as follows:
“This is an area where there have been differing perceptions of the Line of Actual Control. Incidents do occur and are resolved peacefully on the basis of bilateral agreements which exist and mechanisms provided for in these agreements.
“Both sides are in touch on this availing the Working mechanism for consultation and coordination on India-China border Affairs which is headed by the Joint Secretary (East Asia) in the Ministry of External Affairs and the Director General Border Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“We are confident that the current incident too will also be peacefully resolved on this basis.”
Reading the Chinese Tea Leaves
Trying to comprehend the Chinese tactics (whether ‘art of war’ or ‘art of peace’) is like reading the Chinese tea leaves.
The Chinese are pastmasters in the art of dodging and playing shoot-and-scoot diplomacy, mixing it well with lot of defence posturing. The Daulat Beg provocation has come when senior Indian officials discussed ways to collaborate on international forums more proactively and just three days before the two sides held their first-ever bilateral dialogue on Afghanistan.
The two sides have resumed their military dialogue as well as military-to-military exchanges. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is preparing to visit China sometime in June this year. The new Chinese Premier or President too is likely to visit Idnia around that time.
And yet the Chinese choreographed this provocation! Confused? Well, by now the Indians are well versed in the art of reading the Chinese tea leaves. The Chinese are no longer an enigma wrapped inside a riddle. The Daulat Beg incursion is aimed at only one thing: to demonstrate to the Indian leadership that the boundary dispute is still alive and needs to be sorted out expeditiously no matter the two sides are looking at $ 100 billion bilateral trade in a year or two.
Though China knows it is not dealing with an India of 1962, the difference between the defense might between the two nuclear-armed neighbours still remains like the difference between day and night. The Chinese are still way ahead of the Indians in every respect, though they know it well that in case of another military conflict this time they will be given a bloody nose.
The Daulat Beg incursion is just a posturing from the Chinese which is meant to be sorted out in a few days after it has served its diplomatic purpose and rationale. However, China committed a mistake by hoisting a war on India in 1962 over the territory issue. The 1962 war virtually formalized and sanctified the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the eyes of the world just as Pakistan’s misadventure in imposing the Kargil War on India in 1999 virtually sanctified the Line of Control (LoC) before the international community.
The writer is a Firstpost columnist and a strategic affairs analyst who can be reached at

Friday, April 19, 2013

No Ram Navmi puja at Ayodhya site this year: District administration

Press Trust of India | Posted on Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02pm IST

Ayodhya: The 64-year-old practice of performing rituals at the disputed site in Ayodhya on Ram Navami may face a halt in 2013 as district administration has decided not to allow any religious activity in the area.
Only court appointed priest, Acharya Satyender Das, has been allowed to perform religious activities on the 67 acre land, which had been taken over by the Centre.
However, for the last 19 years, locals associated with the Ram Janma Bhoomi Seva Samiti have been performing prayers at the disputed site on Ram Navami, which falls on April 19, 2013.
No Ram Navmi puja at Ayodhya site this year: District administration
The SC had ordered status quo on 67 acre land adjacent to the disputed site in Ayodhya and restrained any kind of religious activity in the area.
On January 28, 2013, Supreme Court had ordered status quo on 67 acre land adjacent to the disputed site here and restrained any kind of religious activity in the area.
Speaking to PTI, District Magistrate Faizabad Vipin Kumar Dwivedi said, "We will ensure that no religious sentiments are hurt. But, we will abide by the Supreme Court's orders and maintain status quo, as defined in various judgements."
After strong opposition from the oldest litigant of Babri Masjid case, Hashim Ansari, the local administration may not allow religious activities this year.
"We were objecting violation of the court's orders for the last 19 years, and, this time, we approached the observers appointed by Supreme Court," said Khaliq Ahmad Khan, a petitioner in the case.

Cheap Fodder For Slaughter

TEHELKA accompanied a team of animal welfare officers and the local police that carried out a raid on an illegal abattoir in Solapur district.

Prakhar Jain
2013-03-23 , Issue 12 Volume 10
Left in the lurch Farmers are selling cattle in distress because it costs Rs 130 to feed a bullock every day. Photo: Shailendra Pandey
EARLY MORNING at the Osmanabad cattle market. A young man waits to sell his pair of rugged-looking bullocks. Within minutes a customer arrives and the bargaining begins. The seller refuses to budge from his price. “Because of the drought, I’ll have to sell my bulls at an awfully low price,” says Bhau Ganpat Chauhan, the seller, “But I won’t sell them for the pittance that man was offering.”
Chauhan’s 15-acre farm has yielded nothing this season. He needs the money so that his nine-member family and their remaining livestock can survive. The customer, Chauhan says, is actually a middleman who buys livestock in bulk and sells them to rich farmers and to abattoirs in Mumbai and Hyderabad. The bargaining continues intermittently for half an hour with a confident Chauhan sticking to his price. “The bullocks are worth much more than their price. They could have earned me Rs 700 a day during the farming season.”
After much haggling and a discount, a deal is struck. As soon as Chauhan gets his initial advance, he turns around and smacks the bullocks hard. “It’s a tradition,” he says, “to show that one has broken all emotional ties with the animal.”
Chauhan says it costs approximately Rs 130 per day to feed a bullock. He cannot afford to spend that amount, nor can he send the bullocks to any fodder camp because there are none near his house.
After buying the family’s rations, there would be little left from the cash he got by selling the bullocks, and he is worried how to survive the next few months.
Cattle bought by middlemen often end up in illegal abattoirs that have mushroomed across Maharashtra. TEHELKA accompanied a team of animal welfare officers and the local police that carried out a raid on one such illegal establishment in Solapur district.
During the raid, 25 animals, including two bullocks and a cow, were seized. All of them were found to be healthy, though animal protection laws in Maharashtra do not permit the slaughter of any healthy animal, especially cows and bullocks. A veterinary doctor is required to certify if an animal can be slaughtered, but the abattoir’s owner had not bothered about this requirement.
Remains of a large number of slaughtered animals were strewn all over the abattoir premises. It was obviously doing good business. Carcasses of about 30 animals killed that morning were also found ready for transportation. The person running the abattoir alleged he had been singled out even though there are several illegal slaughterhouses across the district.
Vilas Shah, an animal welfare officer since the 1960s, claims the number of animals sent to abattoirs has doubled over the past one year. TEHELKA found that the number of animals sold legally has increased by 43 percent in Jalna district. The sale of goats at the Osmanabad cattle market too has doubled in the past two years, while the sale of bullocks has increased by nearly 25 percent.
While more and more livestock are being sold in distress, the farmers are worried about the next monsoon. Without enough draught animals to plough the fields, they would have to hire tractors at exorbitant rates. “We will either have to buy a new pair of bullocks at a higher price, or hire a tractor for 500 per hour. There is no other way to survive,” says Chauhan.

"Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message"

Egyptian Cleric (On a TV Show) : Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message ; Similar Attacks Expected in France, France ...which led the first crusade.

"This was not up to the standard of Al Qaida , it was extremely amateurish. "
"They ( bombers) have managed to get the message across : We can reach you whenever and wherever we want."
"I do not rule out the possibility that this was carried out by the people born in America." 
"The path of Al-Qaida is path of Koran."

 youtube link-

As the Brahmaputra bends

P. Stobdan

India must use the upswing in ties with China to secure a legal agreement.

China has caused some confusion in India over its Brahmaputra (Yarlung-Tsangpo) diversion plan. Recently, Water Resource Minister Harish Rawat allayed fears about Chinese projects affecting India’s water usage. Yet an inter-ministerial panel report asked the government to closely monitor China’s plan for a series of cascading run-of-river projects in the middle reaches of the river. It also cautioned that China might replicate the same sort of project at the Great Bend at Shuomatan Point. When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh proposed a joint mechanism for verification at Durban last month, Xi Jinping gave no clear answer except reiterating that China would bear in mind its responsibilities and the interests of riparian states.

India’s heightened edginess stems from China’s opaque position. The latter’s official organs deny the diversion project but its hydro power lobby is pressing for a mega project at the Great Bend that would meet China’s water woes. So far, there is no evidence of diversion except for China’s plan to build a series of run-of-river projects at Zangmu, Dagu, Jiacha, Jiexu, Zongda, Lengda, and Langzhen. But the issue needs to be analysed in a broader perspective.

China is entitled to take up these projects, so long as the existing flow of 79 billion cubic metres (BCM) water into India remains unimpeded. Most of the Brahmaputra’s catchment area, providing over 600 BCM average runoff, falls within Arunachal Pradesh. The volume becomes 10 times higher during the monsoon. Allowing China to divert a constant volume of water during that period could help mitigate floods in India and Bangladesh. Non-consumptive exploiting of water by China for power generation may also be beneficial for India, as the flow is expected to increase by 10-20 per cent during the dry season. China selling surplus electricity to India may not be a bad idea.

But a Chinese plan to build a 40,000 MW dam at the Great Bend could have a perilous downstream impact. The Great Bend is at a geologically fragile knick-zone with very rapid bedrock exhumation rates. In case of an earthquake, there could be ominous consequences for millions living in downstream areas.

The problem lies in China’s growing domestic water crisis, arising from the industrial upsurge. It is said to be a potential catalyst for domestic turmoil. The need to exploit trans-border rivers is therefore gaining new currency. The original idea of shuo-tian (reverse flow) and xibu da kaifa (great western extraction), supported by 118 PLA generals, was aimed at building a dam to generate 40,000 MW of hydro power and to divert 200 BCM water annually to the north. The diversion project was part of China’s $60-billion South-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP), aimed at sending 40 BCM of water annually from the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers to the arid north. The first phase of the SNWTP was completed in March 2013. The middle route will feed water to the north by 2014. The third stage involves the Tsangpo’s diversion. For China, the stakes are huge. It could turn millions of arid hectares into arable land.

China is not known for consulting riparian states before building dams. Until 2005, India was unaware about the Zada dam on the Sutlej basin and even appeared clueless when the Chinese announced they were building dams at Dagu, Jiacha, and Jiexu. Little is known about the Shiquanhe project on the Singe-Tsangpo (Indus River). Locals have observed the Singe-Tsangpo too has been tapering over the years. Beijing is said to be reluctant to exchange data with India, despite a treaty that has been in place since 2006. In the absence of legal arrangements, other riparian states too are worried about China’s plans. The Xiaowan dam on the Mekong has been stirring up passions across Southeast Asia. Latest to join the chorus is Myanmar, vehemently opposing China building the Myitsone mega-dam on the upper Irrawaddy. The project could potentially rupture China’s longstanding bonhomie with Myanmar.

But, should the diversion at the Great Bend become a reality, the fear is that China will inevitably leverage Tibetan water as a tool for coercive diplomacy and may even link the water issue to a border settlement. Both China and India will be water stressed, given the rising demand for food security and clean drinking water. China is beginning to treat water as a strategic commodity and building huge infrastructure in Tibet to secure it. But in India, the current debate over water security isn’t as politically nuanced as it ought to be.

The current upswing in relations should be used to resolve the issue with a binding legal agreement. Water scarcity has historically worked in favour of cooperation between states. Both should treat water as a catalyst for cooperation and not conflict. While the demand for Tsangpo’s diversion may get louder, growing environmental disasters are also fuelling mass protests in China against mega projects. In fact, the greater resentment to manipulating the Shuomatan Point could emanate from China. India should evolve a comprehensive strategic plan, which cannot be handled by the water resources ministry alone.

The writer is a former ambassador