Friday, November 30, 2012

भविष्य : शिवसेना और महाराष्ट्र की राजनीति का

शिवसेना के संस्थापक और उस संगठन के सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रभावी नेता श्री बाळासाहब ठाकरे का १७ नवंबर को निधन हुआ. उनके कद काउनकी ताकद का और उनके समान लाखों अनुयायीयों पर धाक रखने वाला दूसरा नेता शिवसेना के पास नहींयह सर्वमान्य है. इसमें विद्यमान नेतृत्व की निंदा नही. केवल वस्तुस्थिति का निदर्शन है.

व्यक्ति केन्द्रित संगठन हो या राजनीतिक पार्टीसर्वोच्च पद पर की व्यक्ति के जाते हीऐसे प्रश्‍न निर्माण होना स्वाभाविक मानना चाहिए. इस कारण पुराने राजघरानों के समानपरिवारवाद पर चलने वाली पार्टिंयॉंजहॉं तक हो सकेविद्यमान नेता अपने सामने हीअपने उत्तराधिकारी की नियुक्ति निश्‍चित कर देता है. पंजाब मेंअकाली दल के नेता मुख्यमंत्री प्रकाशसिंग बादल नेअपने पुत्र को उपमुख्यमंत्री बनाकर ऐसी ही व्यवस्था कर दी है. मुलायम सिंह ने सीधे अपने पुत्र को ही मुख्यमंत्री बना दिया. लालू प्रसाद यादव ने पत्नी को ही मुख्यमंत्री बनाया था. द्रविड मुन्नेत्र कळघम के सर्वेसर्वा करुणानिधि के दोनों पुत्र होनहार है. उनमें से एक केन्द्र सरकार में मंत्री भी है. वह करुणानिधि का ज्येष्ठ पुत्र है. लेकिन करुणानिधि का झुकावछोटे स्टॅलिन की ओर है. करुणानिधि हैतब तक सब ठीक चल भी सकता है. लेकिन उनके बाद संघर्ष अटल है. यह सब छोटे मतलब प्रादेशिक पार्टिंयों के उदाहरण है. लेकिन जो सबसे पार्टी के रूप में जानी जाती हैवह कॉंग्रेस भी परिवारवाद की ही पुरस्कर्ता है. श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधीराजीव गांधीसोनिया गांधी इस परंपरा के अनुसारअब राहुल गांधी का अनौपचारिक ही सहीराज्यारोहण-विधि हो चुका है और देश भर के कॉंग्रेसियों ने उसे मान्यता भी दी है. बाळासाहब ठाकरे ने भी उनके पुत्र उद्धव ठाकरे को उनकी पार्टी का कार्याध्यक्ष बनाकर उसी परंपरा का पालन किया. इतना ही नहींउद्धव ठाकरे के पुत्र - आदित्य को शिवसेना के युवकों के संगठन के मूर्धन्य स्थान पर बिठाया.

मनसेकी ताकद
इस स्थिति में शिवसेना के भविष्य के बारे में चिंता करने या उस प्रश्‍न पर विचार करने का प्रयोजन होने का कारण ही नहीं होना चाहिए. लेकिन प्रयोजन है. कारणठाकरे परिवार के हीबाळासाहब के सगे भतिजे राज ठाकरे ने बाळासाहब के होते हीउद्धव ठाकरे का नेतृत्व मानने को नकार दिया. बाळासाहब जैसे प्रचंड ताकदवान नेता की इच्छा के सामने गर्दन न झुकाकरउन्होंने महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेना (मनसे) नाम से नई पार्टी बनाईऔर २००९ में हुए विविध स्तरों के चुनावों में शिवसेना की परवाह किये बिना अपनी शक्ति प्रकट की. महाराष्ट्र राज्य विधानसभा में मनसे के १३ विधायक है. २८८ की विधानसभा में १३ यह लक्षणीय संख्या नहींकोई ऐसा कह सकता है. लेकिन बाळासाहब के राजनीति में सक्रिय रहते मनसे इस संख्या तक पहुँचीयह उल्लेखनीय. उसके बाद हुए नगर पालिका और महानगर पालिका के चुनावों में भी मनसे ने अपनी ताकद दिखाई है. मुंबईठाणेनासिक,औरंगाबाद महापालिकाओं में की मनसे की ताकद को दुर्लक्षित नहीं किया जा सकता. राज ठाकरे ने यह जो करिष्मा कियावैसा प्रकाशसिंह बादल का भतिजा नहीं कर पाया. उनका पूरा नाम मुझे याद नहीं. लेकिन उनके नाम के अंत में मान’ है. मान भी अकाली दल से अलग हुए है. अलग होकर उन्होंने भी चुनाव लड़ालेकिन उन्हें सफलता नहीं मिली. इस कारण वे सांप्रत पंजाब की राजनीति में उपेक्षित है. बाळासाहब ठाकरे के बाद मनसे की ताकद और बढ़ेगी. और मनसे की ताकद बढ़ने का अर्थ है शिवसेना की ताकद घटना.

क्या शिवसेना और मनसे एक साथ आएगीयह प्रश्‍न पूछा जा सकता है. वह एकदम अप्रस्तुत नहीं. बाळासाहब ठाकरे की अंतिम बिमारी के समयउसी प्रकार उद्धव ठाकरे पर हुई शस्त्रक्रिया के समय राज ठाकरेसारा विरोध भूलकर उनसे भेट करने गये थे. बाळासाहब के अंतिम समय में वे उद्धव ठाकरे के कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर खड़े थे. उनकी इस कृति को क्या राजनीति की चाल मानेऐसा प्रश्‍न पूछा जा सकता है. मेरे मतानुसार वह राजनीति की चाल नहीं होनी चाहिएहोगी भी नहीं. लेकिन राज ठाकरे के इस वर्तन सेउनका कद बड़ा हुआ हैयह निश्‍चित. इस प्रकार मन का बड्डपन दिखाने वाले राज ठाकरे उनकी पार्टी शिवसेना में विलीन कर स्व. बाळासाहब की आत्मा को आनंद देगेयह प्रश्‍न अधिक महत्त्व के है. ऐसा एकीकरण हो सकता है. लेकिन वह राज ठाकरे के नेतृत्व में ही होगाउद्धव ठाकरे के नेतृत्व में नहीं. स्वयं उद्धव ठाकरे और मनोहर जोशीरामदास कदमसंजय राऊत जैसे शिवसेना के ज्येष्ठ नेताओं को क्या यह मान्य होगायह महत्त्व का प्रश्‍न है. लेकिन शिवसेना का नाम और प्रतिष्ठा टिकाकर रखनी होगी तो इसके अलावा अन्य कोई मार्ग नहींऐसा मुझे लगता है.

समझौते की संभावना
यह बात भी ध्यान में रखनी चाहिए किउद्धव ठाकरे की तबीयत अपेक्षाकृत सुदृढ नहीं है. दो बार हृदय पर ऍन्जोप्लास्टी’ हुई है. उनकी आयु अधिक नहीं हैलेकिन इस हृदय विकार ने उनकी कार्यशक्ति को निश्‍चित ही बाधित किया होगा. अपने स्वास्थ्य की इस स्थिति मेंउद्धव ठाकरेदुय्यमत्व स्वीकार कर क्या राज ठाकरे के हाथों पार्टी के सूत्र सपूर्द करेगेयह प्रश्‍न हैऔर वह शिवसेना के भविष्य मतलब नाम और प्रभाव से भी जुड़ा है. दोनों पार्टियॉं आज के समान ही अलग-अलग रही और २०१४ के विधानसभा के या लोकसभा के चुनाव में मनसे ने शिवसेना को मात दी तो आश्‍चर्य नहीं. अलग-अलग रहकर भी २०१४ का विधानसभा का चुनाव लड़ा जा सकता है. और दोनों मिलकर सौ के करीब सिटें जीत पाईतो सत्ता के लिए वे एक भी आ सकते है. लेकिन यह सुविधा के लिए किया समझौता हो सकता हैहृदय से एक होना नहीं. इस कारण वह शक्तिसंपन्नता का आलंबन भी नहीं हो सकेगा.

महागठबंधन का भविष्य
बाळासाहब ठाकरे के निधन के बाद निर्माण होने वाली परिस्थिति का परिणाम महाराष्ट्र की संपूर्ण राजनीति पर भी हो सकता है. महाराष्ट्र में शिवसेना,भाजपा और रामदास आठवले की रिपाइं का महागठबंधन है. यह महागठबंधन शक्तिशाली है. नगरपालिका और महानगर पालिका के चुनावों मेंइस महागठबंधन का अपेक्षाकृत प्रभाव दिखाई नहीं दियालेकिन विधानसभा के चुनाव में वह दिखाई दे सकता है. महापालिका के चुनाव बड़े शहरों के संदर्भ में थे. विधानसभा के चुनावों में ग्रामीण क्षेत्र को अधिक महत्त्व होगाइसलिए ही रिपाइं का साथ शिवसेना-भाजपा गठबंधन को उपकारक सिद्ध होगा,इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं. इसमें रिपाइं का भी लाभ है. लेकिन शिवसेना का नेतृत्व राज ठाकरे के पास गयातो क्या रिपाइं गठबंधन के साथ रहेगीयह प्रश्‍न है. गठबंधन में मनसे को समाविष्ट करने के लिए आठवले का विरोध है. कारण उन्हें ही पता होगा. लेकिन विरोध हैयह स्पष्ट है. मनसे को गठबंधन में शामिल करेऐसा भाजपा के शक्तिशाली नेताओं का मत है. अभी तकसंपूर्ण भाजपा ने इस बारे में निश्‍चित अधिकृत भूमिका नहीं ली है. लेकिन वह भूमिका पार्टी को लेनी ही होगी. राज ठाकरे के हाथ ही शिवसेना का नेतृत्व आयातो फिर विचार करने का प्रश्‍न ही नहीं. कारणगठबंधन शिवसेना के साथ है व्यक्ति के साथ नहीं. लेकिन ऐसा नहीं हुआ और मनसे अलग ही रहीतो भाजपा की नीति क्या होगीमनसे की आज की शक्तिऔर बाळासाहब ठाकरे के निधन के बाद उस शक्ति में बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में वृद्धि होने की संभावना ध्यान में लेते हुएभाजपा नेशिवसेना को छोडकरमनसे के साथ गठबंधन करने की संभावना नकारी नहीं जा सकती.

सत्तारूढ गठबंधन में खटपट
भाजपा और मनसे का गठबंधन प्रभावी हो सकता है. कॉंग्रेस और राष्ट्रवादी कॉंग्रेस गठबंधन में चल रही खटपट की पार्श्‍वभूमि पर वह अधिक प्रभावी सिद्ध होगा. कॉंग्रेस और राष्ट्रवादी कॉंग्रेस के बीच आज जो अ-स्वस्थता का वातावरण हैउसका परिणाम २०१४ के लोकसभा के चुनाव पर नहीं भी होगा. वे लोकसभा के चुनाव एक होकर लड़ेंगे. शरद पवार गठबंधन नहीं टूटने देंगे. लेकिन यह एकता लोकसभा के चुनाव के बाद चार-पॉंच माह में होने वाले राज्य विधानसभा के चुनाव में नहीं दिखाई देगी. शायद गठबंधन कायम रहेगा. लेकिन दोनों के प्रयास एक-दूसरे के पॉंव खीचने के ही रहेंगे. अब तक,संख्या कुछ भी होलेकिन मुख्यमंत्री कॉंग्रेस का ही रहेगाइसे राष्ट्रवादी कॉंग्रेस ने मान्यता दी है. किंतु इसके बाद यह संभव होगाऐसे संकेत नहीं दिखाई देते. जिसके विधायक अधिक उसका मुख्यमंत्रीयह समझौते का सूत्र हो सकता है. इस परिस्थिति मेंअपने विधायक अधिक संख्या में चुनकर आएइस सकारात्मक रणनीति के साथ हीदूसरे के विधायकों की संख्या अपने विधायकों की संख्या से कम कैसे रहेगीयह नकारात्मक रणनीति भी कार्यरत रहेगी ही. इस परिस्थिति में मनसे-भाजपा गठबंधन को सत्ता प्राप्त करने का मौका मिल सकेगा. कुछ अघटित होकरशिवसेनामनसे और भाजपा का गठबंधन हुआ और उसमें आठवले की रिपाइं भी शामिल हुईतो २०१४ में इस गठबंधन की सरकार स्थापन होने की संभावना बहुत अधिक है.

यह सब संभावनाए और प्रश्‍न बाळासाहब के निधन के कारण चर्चा में आए है. उनके निश्‍चयात्मक उत्तर दिए जाने की स्थिति आज नहीं. कुछ समय राह देखनी होगीउसके बाद ही इन प्रश्‍नों के उत्तर क्रमश: स्पष्ट होते जाएगे. इन सब संभावनाओं और प्रश्‍नों पर ही शिवसेना का भविष्य निर्भर है. केवलशिवसेना’ इस नाम का ही नहींशिवसेना के नेतृत्व के पदों पर जो लोग आरूढ हैंउनका भी सियासी भविष्य इस पर ही निर्भर होगा. तोकुछ समय राह देखते है.

मा. गो. वैद्य
(अनुवाद : विकास कुलकर्णी)      

Maneka Gandhi & NCST Chairperson Dr. Rameshwar Oraon met land Loser-Citizen

From the side of RSB Jenadesh Loser-Citizen Forum & 
CESC Mahimagadi Loser-Citizen ForumEr. Hota met Maneka Gandhi
& NCST Chairperson Dr. Rameshwar Oraon at New Delhi.

New Delhi (28/11) – Today, on behalf of the affected villagers of the proposed CESC Power Pvt. Ltd. at Dhenkanal Sub-Division & RSB Metal Tech. Pvt. Ltd. at Kamakhyanagar Sub-Division of Dhenkanal District, a delegation under the leadership of the Great Farmer Leader Er. Debashisha Hota met BJP MP & International Envionment & Wild-Life Protection Leader Smt Maneka Gandhi.
Mrs. Gandhi assured Hota to be involved on the issue for the safe-guard of the Wild-Life, Forest & Environment, Tribal, SC & Poor People.
Yesterday, Hota met National Commission for Scheduled Tribe Chairperson Dr. Rameshwar Oraon. The District Secretary of Anti Corruption Committee Mr. Ranjan Lenka was also present on this occasion.
Dr. Oraon declared to visit the area affected during mid-January & punish the corrupt officials according to the report. The issue was now taken up by the Head-Quarter itself.
Here noteworthy that, In 1971, K-Form Pattas are given to 56 Tribal & SC families of Chhatia. They’ve requested the then collector to issue them permanent Pattas 6 long years back on 7th October 2006 by diary no. 78. They ran number of times from Chhatia village Committee to all related departments for the above matter. But nothing happened. At last they approached Mr. Hota on 23rd January 2012.
Mr. Hota from RTI letter no.111 dated 17th February 2012, came to know that the above mentioned application wasn’t traceable at Dhenkanal Collectorate. Against this, he made an appeal before ADM. The ADM summoned Hota to appear on 16th March 2012 for hearing. On the same day, the ADM ordered the Gondia Tahasildar to furnish the action taken report within 7 days. Once again from RTI letter no.306 dated 9th May 2012, Hota came to know that the lands of K-Form Pattas are donated to the CESC power plant during 2010-11 without giving any compensation to the losers.
                It's now a point of question keeping in view of the Constitution of India, that
Why the District Collector, District Forest Officer(D.F.O.) & District Tribal Welfare Officer(D.W.O.) has not been issued The "Title for Forest Land Under Occupation" to the K-Form Holders according to "The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules, 2007 " followed by the 12.8.2009 Judgment of Honorable High Court of Odisha in W.P.(C) No.4933 of 2008 ?
Hence, the affected TRIBALs demanded a 3-Party-Discussions comprising of CESC Mahimagadi Loser-Citizen Forum with CESC Power Pvt. Ltd. Owner and the Representation from the Government as the Mediator, during their Mega Rally on last 21st May.
But, 3-party discussion involving land-mafia proved the ill-intention of the officials. This has increased tension among the affected TRIBALs.
A Delegation of 40 people have marched to Jantar Mantar on last 6th October & met Leader of Opposition Mrs Sushama Swaraj , NDA convenor Sarad Jadav, Union Tribal Minister Sri V.K.Deo, Congress MP Bhakta Das, Independent MP AV Swamy & NCSC chairperson PL Punia

Monday, November 26, 2012

R P Singh as Sonia Gandhi’s new gospel

S Gurumurthy

Sonia Gandhi never opened her mouth on the 2G scam when the 2G scam broke out in 2009; or, when the CBI raided the DoT in October 2009; or, when the CAG report indicted the government in November 2010 for causing loss as between  Rs 58,000cr and 1.76 lakh cr; or, when A Raja, the Telecom Minister resigned a couple of days later; or, when the UPA Government’s one man inquiry by Justice Shivraj Patil indicted him in January 2011;or, when Raja was raided by the CBI in January/February 2011; or, when he was arrested in February 2011; or, when the Supreme Court began chasing the government to act against the looters in 2G scam; or, when the CBI said in its chargesheet in April 2011 that the loss was Rs 31,000 crore; or, when the Supreme Court cancelled the 2G licenses in February 2012; or, when the former Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar told the JPC in October 2012 that he had recommended to the PM to charge Rs 35,000cr instead of Rs 1,658cr charged.

She has opened her mouth only now when R P Singh, former Director General of Audit [CAG], obviously lied to the nation that he was made to sign the CAG report. R P Singh is now Sonia’s new Gospel.

R P Singh, who had signed the CAG report on 2G scam on 8.11.2011, began prevaricating that he did not want the loss figures included in the report.

He shamelessly says that he was made to sign the report. Most media reports have ripped apart his lies. He has not only signed the audit report, he had also sent a forwarding letter to the report saying “If 2G rates are to be pegged to the rates discovered through auction for 3G spectrum, the impact  would be Rs 1.02 lakh crore. “ Does it not mean that he fixes the loss as Rs 1.02 lakh cr. The difference between the high-end figure of  Rs 1.76 lakh cr and Rs 1.02 lakh cr is because he did not account for dual technology and extra spectrum that was included in the total loss of Rs 1.76 lakh cr. Now, the man says that the loss is only Rs 2,645 cr. Why did he not mention it in the covering letter in 2011? The man is lying is self-evident. The proof will come when he gets the reward for his lie. R P Singh’s success is in making Sonia talk on 2G.

Sonia Gandhi had long back declared zero tolerance to corruption.Obviously she does not seem to tolerate the zeros in the figure of 1,76,000  and would like them knocked out. She hints at the zeroes being added by the CAG at the instance of Public Accounts Committee headed by  M M Joshi.

Kapil Sibal claimed once that there was zero loss in  2G licences. But,he did not dare repeat it a second time. Even P Chidambaram, who almost did a Sibal on Coalgate, didn’t support Sibal in 2G. No one questions the fact of the loss, even though the extent of loss is debatable. Even the CAG report, bearing R P Singh’s signature says: “The fact that there has been loss to the national exchequer in the allocation of 2G spectrum cannot be denied. However, the amount of loss could be debated.” On the extent of the loss arising by selling the spectrum at 2001 rates, the CAG report had put the loss at between a low of  Rs 57,566cr and a high of Rs 1,76,645cr.

The CAG’s range consists of the following four indicators: One, Rs 57,566cr on the basis of the offer made by S Tel for open bid for the spectrum; two, Rs 1,76,645cr on the basis of open bids for 3G licenses; three, on the basis of the sale of shares by two of the licensees, Unitech [Rs 69,626cr] and  Swan [Rs 57,566cr]. The Swan-sale based loss figure is the lowest and the 3G auction based figure is the highest. Even Sonia’s fans cannot argue that the loss to government could be less than the profit accrued to Swan and Unitech which just resold the 2G licenses allotted by the UPA Government. The media and the Opposition picked up and highlighted the upper end of Rs 1.76  lakh cr. If the yardstick of former Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar is accepted, the loss figure would be as high as Rs 4lakh crore, as the draft report of CAG had mentioned. So even the original figure of CAG in the draft report was not without basis. It was founded on the Cabinet Secretary’s view.

The debate on the amount of loss has restarted because, in the auction of 2G spectrum in November 2012, most telecom companies which bought spectrum at throw away prices in 2008 refrained from bidding. There was virtual stampede for spectrum with 575 applicants for 122 licenses in 2008. But only five players have bid in 2012. Reason? Against the throw away price of `1,658cr charged for 22 circles in 2008, the government demanded a high  minimum base price of `14,000. The telcos could have paid this price in 2008 but not in 2012. Because the market conditions have changed. See what a global telecom player says on why there is not so much demand for spectrum now as compared to 2008. Marten Pieters, Managing Director and CEO, Vodafone, who has welcomed and participated in the auction of 2G  spectrum now, says, “The value of spectrum depends on a lot of factors. Three years ago, when 3G spectrum was auctioned, the Indian economy was booming. But now the economy is not performing so well. And in the last few months, the number of our customers has reduced to just over 900 million from around 930 million.” This answers those who question the CAG’s numbers.

Spectrum commanded much higher value in 2008 than now. So what the government should have done in 2008, namely fix a high minimum price, it has done now. The debate is about what was the spectrum value then, not what is its value today. That the value of spectrum then and now, is manifest in the share prices of telecom companies. Bharti Airtel share price in January 2008 was Rs 482. Before the 2G bid now, it was Rs 264, at almost half.

Take a comparison. If the land prices were low in 2001 and high in 2008, could the government have sold land in 2008 at 2001 rates to the first applicants without bid? Obviously not.

Assume the CBI had prosecuted those who undersold the land in 2008 and the land prices fall in 2012. Can they turn around and say that the land prices in 2012 should be substituted for its 2008 prices and they should be acquitted? What applies to land applies to spectrum as well. The loss to the government on sale of spectrum has to be computed under the market conditions that obtained in 2008 when the  telecom industry was booming, not under the current market conditions when the telecom industry is doing only half as well as in  2008, though still several times better than in 2001.

Even now, Vodafone  has bid for 14 out of the 22 circles; and Telenor for 5 circles at base prices. The bid amount of Vodafone is not known. But the Telenor bid [for 5 circles] is Rs 4,048, while, in 2008, pan-India spectrum [22 circles] was sold to Telenor for Rs 1,658 cr. For these five circles alone, the government had lost Rs 2,598cr in 2008. The number of circles in issue is 122. This is not to say that the loss would be proportionately high. But that it would be a staggering sum, not Rs 2,645cr as R P Singh falsely says, is established by bids for spectrum now.

QED: Zero tolerance to corruption does not mean knocking out the zeros in the amount of loss--or what it yields namely, BRIBE.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Muslim women’s group fights misuse of divorce laws

By Express News Service - TIRUCHY
21st November 2012 09:07 AM

Right Fight: BMMA members speaking about Muslim divorce law in Tiruchy on Tuesday | M K Ashok Kumar
When Rabithammal of Vedasandur in Dindigul district received a bond paper worth Rs 10 mentioning ‘talaq’ thrice, conveying a divorce from her husband, she approached the local Jamaat saying she did not want a separation. However, nothing was done and the couple was divorced.
Narrating this and similar such cases during an interaction with mediapersons on Tuesday, A Kamila, advisor to the Tamil Nadu chapter of Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA), claimed that many qazis unilaterally issued divorce notices without giving women an opportunity to narrate their side of the story.
She alleged that they selectively quoted the holy Quran and undermined its support of women’s rights.
Recounting incidents of men pronouncing ‘talaq’ over telephone, SMS and email, Kamila claimed that it was particularly poor women who were affected by such divorce laws.
“This can be prevented only when women members are included in the Jamaat,” she added.
M Dilshad, a BMMA coordinator, quoting studies, claimed that many divorces were a result of greed, with the men marrying again for dowry.
The group has drafted a legislation to prevent triple talaq, polygamy and other evils in the community. The draft, which is to be submitted to the central government next March, has won the support of several prominent Islamic clerics and parties.
The Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) is an autonomous and rights-based Muslim women’s movement in India established in 2007 and works for justice, peace, democracy and development within and outside the Muslim community

Friday, November 23, 2012

Pope names Antonysamy Madras archbishop

**  Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Archbishop George Antonysamy, Apostolic nuncio to West African Countries, as the new Archbishop of Madras and Mylapore. He succeeds Archbishop Malayappan Chinnappa, who has retired.
** The announcement was made in the Vatican on Wednesday, Chancellor Dr.  Charles Kumar informed.
** Archbishop Antonysamy, the Pope’s Ambassador to Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone, is the sixth archbishop of this ancient, historical and amalgamated archdiocese. He was born on February. 15, 1952, in Tiruchy, did his early school education there and soon joined St Augustine’s Minor Seminary.
After his Bachelor of Philosophy and Master of Theology in Urban University, Rome, he was ordained priest on November 19, 1980, in Tiruchy. He had obtained his Doctorate in Theology from Lateran University, Licentiate in Canon Law from Pontifical Urban University, Rome, Italy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Love Jihad- Kerala’s latest victims
A battle over a concept called as Love Jihad has broken out in Kerala and this time it is the Christians who are up in arms against this concept. The Global Council of Indian Christians say that the Christians are greatly disturbed by this concept which according to them has victimized 2868 women. They quote the example of a lady called Deepa Cherian now Shahina who had converted to Islam. Shahina was later arrested by the Kochi police on the charge that she had allegedly supplied SIM cards to T Nasir, a Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative.
                     The Christian Council says that Love Jihad today is an international conspiracy and has been taken note of in the cables exposed by Wikileaks. It is an international conspiracy of a diabolic “love jihad” design to trick innocent girls by the misguided Indian Muslim youth to convert them to Islam and marry them as part of a deep-rooted criminal ploy, and use them for immoral and terrorist activities in the country.   The latest case in the list of such painful incidents is that of a Christian lady from Kochi in Kerala who left her husband working in the Middle East and apparently married a Muslim driver of a school bus and now become an easy accomplice in their terror activities.  Kochi city police recently arrested that lady on charge of supplying SIM cards to Thadiyantavide Nazir while he was in prison.
Dr.Sajan K. George, President of Global Council of Indian Christians says that the woman originally named Deepa Cheriyan, had accepted the name Shahina after converting into Islam by certain elements. Deepa is married to a person who is abroad.  Deepa developed the affair with Naushad who was working as a driver. When she came to India she came with two SIM cards and allegedly provided them to Nasir. Deepa Cheriyan (31), also known as Shahina, was arrested from SRM Road at Kochion Wednesday by a police team led by Sunil Jacob, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ernakulam.
Dr George says that Deepa like many others is a victim of Love Jihad. He says that as per Wilileaks under the caption of Love Jihad it states that the US diplomats in their report from Chennai consulate had said: “Both Hindu and Christian groups have expressed fear and outrage at the ‘plot’, while Muslim groups have felt the need to defend their co-religionists against the conspiracy theorists”.
It  also said that “Controversial phenomena of ‘love jihad’ – an alleged conspiracy of foreign-funded “charming” Muslim men attempting to seduce, marry and convert Hindu and Christian women – had caught the fancy of American diplomats, who in their cables to Washington last year expressed that the episode generated a lot of “religious tensions” in south India.
The Catholic Church in Kerala was very much seized of the matter. The report said that “the Commission for Social Harmony and Vigilance of the Kerala Catholic Bishops Council (KCBC) had reported that there had been 2,868 female victims of the ‘love jihad’ in Kerala from 2006 to 2009 alone. The panel had made several recommendations to parents through its newsletter, including a recommendation to monitor children’s cell-phones and computers, so that they can be better prepared to fight the phenomenon and resist what many call “charming” young Muslim men involved in the scheme.”  The Kerala High Court had also issued an order for the police to investigate the cases of two college-going girls allegedly forced to convert to Islam after marrying Muslim men. Some members of the police, politicians and both Hindu and Christian religious groups continue to suspect that ‘forced conversions’ are occurring, and that the culprits are receiving foreign funding for their efforts”.
The report further said that “In order to verify such claims and reports, US diplomats had met a number of people from different groups, including Sajan K George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians. The cable, as disclosed by WikiLeaks, said that George was convinced that “there was a concerted effort in south India by Muslim men to get Christian women fall in love with them in order to convert them”.  Quoting George, the cable said his group found it necessary to warn Christian parents and young girls of the danger posed by the ‘love jihad’ so that they can be better prepared to resist what many call “charming” young Muslim men involved in the scheme.”
The latest report from Luton, a township about 30 miles from the London city centre, hits the nail on the head that the Love Jihad is undoubtedly an International menace.  A racially explosive leaflet urging Muslim men to – quite literally – seduce Sikh and Hindu girls into their faith is being hawked on the streets of Luton.
The council says that they need to fight this menace and have set out some guidelines in order to prevent this. They recommend to parents that the cell phones of the daughters be monitored. Parents should also monitor computers of their daughters and also keep a tab on their movements to avoid such incidents of Love Jihad.
The police in Kerala say that this menace is still on in the state. Most of the time the victims are being used as conduits in crime and the Shahin or Deepa case is one such example. Many of these girls do not realise what they are getting into and often fall trap to such men trying to lure them into conversion. However the police also add that despite a conversion figure of 2000 odd being given it cannot be said that all cases pertain to this concept called as Love Jihad. There are some genuine cases as well, the police also point out.

Is Love the new face of Jihad?

Marriages, they say, are made in heaven. But some Muslim fundamentalists are using wedlock to wage jihad (holy war) and clear their path to paradise, RSS-affiliated outfits and the church in Kerala have claimed.
An organisation called 'Love Jihad' or 'Romeo Jihad' has enlisted the services of young Muslims to court Hindu and Christian girls, force them into wedlock and convert them to Islam, saffron groups have alleged.
These youths are operating nationwide, receiving funds from abroad and are also linked to drug trafficking and terrorism. Thousands of girls have been converted thus in the past few years, allege outfits such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Sri Ram Sene.
But an investigation by Kerala's director-general of police Jacob Punnose has failed to establish these claims. The DGP recently told the Kerala High Court he had no evidence to show an organisation named Love Jihad or Romeo Jihad had been created, albeit there could be a concerted attempt to force non- Muslim girls to convert after marrying Muslim boys.
Members of the Christian clergy have joined ranks with RSS organisations in warning women against Love Jihad.
They say Jihadi Romeos are also targeting Christian girls (although Islam does not require Christians or Jews to convert for marrying a Muslim). Even so, the church remains quiet about it's own alleged efforts to force non- Christian girls to convert for marriage.
Kerala, which has large populations of both Muslims and Christians, has traditionally been open to inter-religious marriages. But the issue of Love Jihad has been simmering for some time.
The police initially claimed the 'organisation' provided money to 'Jihadi Romeos' to buy costly gifts such as designer dresses and mobile phones to woo girls, before marrying and converting them. They said Love Jihad, which was funded from abroad, was targeting college students. Nearly 2,000 students had been converted in the past three years.
Hindutva and Christian groups also took up the issue. Things came to a boil when the parents of a Hindu and a Christian girl who had married Muslim boys alleged their daughters had been forcibly converted by Love Jihad. While ruling in favour of the parents, the high court directed DGP Punnose to investigate the allegations.
But the DGP's affidavit to the court went against the police's initial claims. It said, "No organisation or movement called Love Jihad or Romeo Jihad is so far identified as working in Kerala." He refuted the charge that Muslim youths were receiving funds from foreign sources to convert girls, and called the claim of their links with criminal and terrorist activities "baseless". The DGP added that except for the two cases in question, there had been no complaints of forced conversions, although inter- religious marriages and conversions were taking place in large numbers. Punnose said a few allegations had cropped up indicating that some organisations may have devised plans for converting women by force or deceit, and the police was investigating the cases.
"No actionable information has been received by the police so far to confirm that any organisation in indulging in such activities," he said. "However, the police will remain proactively vigilant and take action on all instances where any reasonable suspicion exists." RSS leader Gopalakrishnan said Love Jihad was operating in Kerala and the Sangh was "trying to protect Hindus from it". The Kerala Catholic Bishop Council had earlier come out with an article offering a district- wise break- up of the "abduction" of Christian girls by Love Jihad members. But Father Johny Kochuparambil, who penned the article, refused to discuss who the "abducted" girls were or explain where he got the figures from. He only said: "We got them (figures) from highly reliable sources and we are sure they are correct." He also kept mum on the church's insistence on forcing non- Christian girls to convert to Christianity before marrying a Christian.
But Rajendra Prasad, a leading social activist, said no one who knew Kerala's society could honestly say an organisation like Love Jihad could exist there. "There is not much opposition to inter- caste or inter- religious marriage here. In fact, social norms exist for it," he said. The whole issue is an effort by certain sections to communalise the society and thus protect their institutionalised set up."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Heartfelt Tribute to ‘Hindu Hruday Samraat’ Maananeey Shri Balasaheb Thakrey

By Dr Pravin Togadia
New Delhi, November 17, 2012
“Maa. Balasaheb Thakrey has been our inspiration & strength while taking up various Hindu causes. With his departure from this world, a fatherly support is gone for all Hindus.” – Said Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP International Working President while paying tribute to Shivsena Supreemo Shri Balasaheb Thakrey.
Dr Togadia further recalled, “When Babri fell in 1992, there was a competition of shrugging of the responsibility & condemning the demolition. Maa. Balasaheb Thakrey came down heavily on all those who condemned the demolition of Babri & stood up strongly at a great height as a real Hindu leader saying, ‘Yes! I did it! Yes, Shivsainiks did it & I am proud of them.’ In the riots that ensued aftermath the 1993 serial blasts in Mumbai, Shiv Sena under the strong leadership of Maa Balasaheb Thakrey ji, protected Hindus all over in Mumbai & reigned in the jehadi elements.”
Dr Togadia expressed, “Maa Balasaheb ji was the real Hindu Hruday Samraat, who never compromised on any Hindu issue for the power or any allurement. His vision for Hindus, Bharat & Hindu Rashtra was clear. He stood with all of us who chose the difficult path of the similar vision in the atmosphere polluted by power mongers & vote greedy Muslim appeasement. In the issue of Muslim reservation or of Bharat-Pak Cricket he had his clear & strong views which gained him criticism from the so called seculars but he kept on walking on his chosen path like a True Tiger! He would always take trouble to call many of us when we would raise any Hindu issue. I recall his support call when the Rajasthan Govt arrested me for distributing Trishool & his roaring Har Har Mahadev, Jai Bhavani – Jai Shivaji still rings in my ears.”
Dr Togadia said, “Now it is the responsibility of all Hindus to fulfill his dream of Hindu Rashtra. I expect the Union Govt to pass the law to make grand Ram Temple at Bhagwan Ram’s birth place Ayodhya– the dream Balasaheb always cherished. I also expect the Maharashtra state Govt to urge the Union Govt not to hold Bharat-Pak Cricket anywhere. Our sympathies for the Thakrey family & for the Shiv Sainiks. His body is gone, but his blessings remain on all Hindus.”

Friday, November 16, 2012

Right to information act and government

   सूचना का अधिकार और सरकार की अस्वस्थता

सूचना का अधिकार कानून (राईट टू इन्फर्मेशन ऍक्ट) हमारे देश में है. इस अधिकार के अंतर्गत, सामान्य नागरिक सरकारी निर्णयों के बारे में, अनजाने या  जानबूझकर अकारण गोपनीय रखी जानकारी पूछ सकता है और संबंधित विभाग को वह देनी पड़ती है. इस अधिकार के कारण, अनेक सरकारी घोटाले, सही में मंत्री और अन्य सरकारी अधिकारियों ने किए घोटाले सामने आए है. युवराज राहुल गांधी कहते है, और वह सच भी है कि, कॉंग्रेस की सरकार ने ही यह कानून पारित किया है. लेकिन इसके साथ यह भी नहीं भूल सकते कि महान् समाजसेवक अण्णा हजारे ने भी ऐसा कानून बने, इसके लिए आंदोलन किया था.

प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा आलोचना
इसके साथ ही यह भी सच है कि, यह कानून पारित करने के बारे में कॉंग्रेस सरकार के रणनीतिकारों को पछतावा हो रहा है. १२ अक्टूबर २०१२ को केन्द्रीय सूचना आयोग’ (सेंट्रल इन्फर्मेशन कमिशन) द्वारा आयोजित सातवे राष्ट्रीय सूचना अधिकारविषयक अधिवेशन (नॅशनल आरटीआय कॉन्फरन्स) में प्रधान मंत्री  डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह ने विद्यमान सूचना अधिकार के कानून की तीव्र आलोचना की. उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘सूचना के अधिकार का बहुत ही हल्के तरीके से  (Frivolous) उपयोग किया जा रहा है जो खीझ  (Vexatious) निर्माण करता है.’’  उन्होंने आगे कहा कि, ‘‘सूचना का अधिकार और निजी जीवन/जानकारी के बीच की सीमारेखा हमने समझनी चाहिए. हमारे संविधान ने, जीवन और निजीता  (Private life) के सुरक्षा का मूलभूत अधिकार दिया है. इस मूलभूत अधिकार का सम्मान रखा ही जाना चाहिए; इसके लिए जानकारी का जो विद्यमान कानून है, उसकी मर्यादा सीमित की जानी चाहिए.’’ ‘‘इस कानून का विधायक काम के लिए ही उपयोग होना चाहिए. सरकारी कामकाज में अधिक तत्परता लाकर, सरकारी यंत्रणा अधिक लोकोपयोगी बनाने के लिए यह कानून है. सरकारी अधिकारियों का उपहास कर, उनकी बदनामी करने के लिए यह कानून नहीं है,’’ ऐसा कहकर, निजी और सरकारी हिस्सेदारी के उद्योगों के बारे में इस कानून को स्वैर प्रवेश देने का उन्होंने विरोध किया है.

विशेषज्ञ समिति का मत
निजीता की सुरक्षा के लिए क्या प्रावधान करें इस बारे में सिफारिस करने के लिए सेवानिवृत्त न्यायमूर्ति ए. पी. शाह की अध्यक्षता में एक विशेषज्ञ समिति नियुक्त की है ऐसी घोषणा प्रधान मंत्री ने इसी अधिवेशन में की. प्रधान मंत्री का भाषण होने के एक सप्ताह बाद ही शहा की विशेषज्ञ समिति की रिपोर्ट आई. दिलचस्प बात यह है कि, इस विशेषज्ञ समिति का मत प्रधानमंत्री के मत के एकदम विरुद्ध है. विशेषज्ञ समिति के मतानुसार, निजीता की सुरक्षा के लिए विद्यमान सूचना के अधिकारमें पर्याप्त प्रावधान है. इसके लिए विद्यमान कानून की सीमाओं का आकुंचन करने का कारण नहीं. प्रधान मंत्री और कॉंग्रेस के मंत्रिमंडल में के अनेक मंत्री, इसी समय नीजिता की सुरक्षा के लिए क्यों छटपटा रहे है, ऐसा प्रश्‍न किसी के भी मन में निर्माण हो सकता है. उसका उत्तर खोजना बहुत कठिन नहीं.

अस्वस्थता का कारण
कॉंग्रेस पार्टी की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने अपने स्वास्थ्य तथा अन्य कारणों के लिए विदेश दौरे किए है. सूचना का अधिकार यह जानना चाहता है कि, इसके लिए हुआ खर्च सरकार ने किया है या सोनिया जी ने? इसमें अनुचित क्या है? सोनिया जी ने वह खर्च किया होगा, तो अन्य किसे ने उसमें मुँह मारने का कारण नहीं. लेकिन वह खर्च सरकार ने किया होगा, तो नागरिकों को उस बारे में पूछने का अधिकार है. सरकारी पैसा, जनता से वसूल किए कर से आता है. इस कारण, उस पैसे के विनियोग के बारे में प्रश्‍न पूछने का अधिकार जनता को है. सोनिया जी के विदेश दौरे के बारे में प्रश्‍न उपस्थित होने के बाद, सरकार ने बताया कि, वह खर्च सरकार ने नहीं किया. बस्. विषय समाप्त. लेकिन सोनिया जी के संदर्भ में वह प्रश्‍न है, इस कारण वह सौ प्रतिशत नीजि साबित होता है, ऐसा नहीं कहा जा सकता.

वढेरा का मामला
तथापि, सोनिया जी की अपेक्षा उनके दामाद रॉबर्ट वढेरा के लिए सरकार ने दी जमीन का प्रश्‍न अधिक चुभने वाला है. जमीन सरकार ने मतलब हरियाणा सरकार ने दी. वह सही दाम में दी, या रॉबर्ट वढेरा कॉंग्रेस की अध्यक्ष के दामाद होने के कारण उन्हें सस्ते में दी और उसे बेचकर उन्होंने भरपूर मुनाफा कमाया, यह जानने का अधिकार नागरिकों को है. हरियाणा में की जमीन, वहॉं के मुख्यमंत्री भूपेन्द्रसिंह हुड्डा की नीजि जमीन होती, तो प्रश्‍न पूछने का कोई औचित्य नहीं था. लेकिन वह सरकारी जमीन थी; मतलब जनता की थी; उसे अपनी मर्जी के अनुसार बॉंटने का अधिकार न हुड्डा को है, और न हरियाणा सरकार को. यह ठीक हुआ कि, इस जमीन के सौदे में कुछ भी बेकायदा नहीं, यह सरकार ने स्पष्ट किया है. लेकिन वह जमीन बेचकर वढेरा ने प्रचंड पैसा कमाया होगा, तो उस बारे में, सरकार से पूछताछ करने में कुछ भी अनुचित नहीं.

मंत्री या चाटुकार?
वास्तव में वढेरा ने ही स्वयं सामने आकर अपना बचाव करना सही होता. भाजपा के अध्यक्ष नीतीन गडकरी के समान, मेरे सब आर्थिक व्यवहार की किसी भी सरकारी यंत्रणा से जॉंच कराए ऐसा उन्होंने छाती ठोककर बताना चाहिए था. लेकिन वे कुछ भी नहीं बताते, और इस अवसर का लाभ उठाकर, उनके बचाव के लिए केन्द्र में के अनेक मंत्री जब सामने आते है, तब वहॉं कुछ गडबड है ऐसा ही लगेगा. कोई ऐसा न कहे ऐसा किसी का अभिप्राय होगा, तो केन्द्रीय मंत्री सोनिया गांधी के परिवार के शागीर्द है, ऐसा कहना पड़ेगा. वे जनप्रतिनिधि होने के कारण नहींगांधी परिवार के चाटुकार होने के नाते वहॉं तक पहुँचे है, ऐसा निष्कर्ष निकालना होगा.
इन मंत्रियों ने क्या कहा यह ध्यान देने लायक है. नए परराष्ट्र मंत्री सलमान खुर्शीद ने कहा, ‘‘गांधी परिवार के लिए मैं जान भी दूँगा.’’ इतना ही कहकर वे रूके नहीं. वढेरा के विरुद्ध आरोप लगाने वाले भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी भारतआंदोलन के एक अग्रगण्य नेता ऍड. प्रशांत भूषण को गांधी परिवार से संबंधित विवादित मामले कैसे मिलते है, ऐसा भी प्रश्‍न उन्होंने उठाया. हम ऐसा मान ले कि, प्रशांत भूषण एक भ्रष्ट व्यक्ति है. लेकिन इससे वढेरा का निर्दोषित्व कैसे सिद्ध होता है? फिर मनीष तिवारी आगे आए. बोले, केजरीवाल और कंपनी भाजपा की बी-टीम है. होगी भी. यह बी-टीम ही भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष के विरुद्ध भी आरोप लगा रही है, इसके बारे में तिवारी जी का क्या स्पष्टीकरण है, यह तो उन्हें ही पता होगा. फिर राजीव शुक्ला ने कमान संभाली. उन्होंने कहा, सरकार और वढेरा के बीच कोई साठगांठ नहीं है. लेकिन यह सब वढेरा को बताने दो! प्रशांत भूषण को भी हिमाचल प्रदेश में ऐसी ही जमीन मिली है, ऐसा उन्होंने कहा. लेकिन इससे भी वढेरा को हरियाणा सरकार की ओर से औने-पौने दामों में जमीन मिलने का भेद कैसे खुलता है? बाद में मोईली आगे बढ़े. तुरंत कर्नाटक के राज्यपाल भी वढेरा को बचाने दौड पड़े. अन्य एक मंत्री जयंती नटराजन् से टी. व्ही. चर्चा में इस बारे में प्रश्‍न पूछे जाने पर वे हडबडा गई. बहुत क्रोधित हुई. यह सब आरोप बेशरमी के है, ऐसा कह दिया. सूचना मंत्री अंबिका सोनी ने कहा, केजरीवाल राजनीति में अपनी प्रतिष्ठा बढ़ाने के लिए ऐसे आरोप लगा रहे है. लेकिन राजनीति में हो या जनता के बीच, अपनी प्रतिष्ठा बढ़ाने का उद्योग करना अपराध है? वे सूचना एवं प्रसार विभाग की मंत्री है! इस कारण उन्होंने टी. व्ही. चॅनेल्स पर भी आरोप लगाया कि, चैनेल्स, केजरीवाल के आरोपों को बेशुमार प्रसिद्धि देकर, उनकी सहायता कर रहे है! टी. व्ही. वाले क्या करें, यह भी तो श्रीमती सोनी बताएँ? केन्द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल में ऐसे बालबुद्धि के लोग होंगे, ऐसी किसी ने कल्पना भी नहीं की होगी. खुर्शीद से सोनी तक, सब ने अपने अपने मंत्री पद का दुरुपयोग किया है. उस पद का अपमान किया है. डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह कहते है कि, व्यक्ति की नीजिता की सुरक्षा होनी चाहिए. यह माना भी जा सकता है. लेकिन वढेरा जैसे नीजि (सामान्य) व्यक्ति के बचाव के लिए, मनमोहन सिंह की पूरी सरकार इतनी सक्रिय होने का क्या कारण है? इस प्रश्‍न का सम्यक उत्तर प्रधानमंत्री से अपेक्षित है.

नीजि की मर्यादा
यह सर्वविदित है कि, अनेक सरकारी उपक्रमों में सरकार और नीजि उद्योगपतियों की भागीदारी है. इन नीजि उद्योगपतियों के उद्योगों की सुरक्षा नहीं हुई, तो विकास योजनाओं पर परिणाम होगा ऐसा कहा जा रहा है. लेकिन यह सयुक्तिक नहीं. नीजि उद्योजक सरकारी उपक्रम का भागीदार होने के बाद, उसकी नीजिता समाप्त होती है. उसके व्यक्तिगत जीवन के संदर्भ में, मतलब उसकी पत्नी कौन, बच्चें क्या करते है, उनके क्या उद्योग है - इत्यादि संबंधित प्रश्‍न ही नीजिके अंतर्गत आएगे. उनकी सरकारी उद्योगों में की भागीदारी और उनकी ही भागीदारी क्यों, अन्य उद्योजकों को दूर रखा गया होगा तो क्यों, यह पूछने का अधिकार जनता को है.

अक्ल ठिकाने आई
अनेक मंत्रियों का यह जो हास्यास्पद वर्तन हुआ और स्वयं प्रधानमंत्री ने भी, सूचना आयोग के अधिवेशन में जो कहा, उस सब का एक अच्छा परिणाम हुआ. चारों ओर से उन पर आलोचना के कोडे बरसे और सरकार की अक्ल ठिकाने आई. सूचना अधिकार की कक्षा आकुंचित करने का जो सरकार का मानस था और उस मानस के अनुसार, सरकार उस कानून में बदल करने की योजना बना रही थी, उसे ब्रेक लग गया. सरकारी कामकाज फाईलों पर चलता है. उन पर सरकारी अधिकारी उनकी श्रेणी के अनुसार अभिप्राय दर्ज करते है. उन टिप्पणियों को सूचना के अधिकार से बाहर रखें, ऐसा निर्णय सरकार ने निश्‍चित किया. उसके अनुसार सरकार ने संशोधन भी तैयार किया. इन संशोधनों को केन्द्रीय सेवा आयोग (युनियन पब्लिक सर्व्हिस कमिशन) का समर्थन भी हासिल था. दूसरा संशोधन, केन्द्रीय सेवा आयोग जो स्पर्धा परीक्षा लेता है, उन परीक्षाओं की प्रक्रियाओं को, सूचना के अधिकार से परे रखने का था. शायद इस संशोधन की सूचना आयोग की ही ओर से आई होगी और सरकार ने वह मान्य की होगी. यह संशोधन तैयार थे. मंत्रिमंडल ने उन्हें सम्मति भी दी थी. लेकिन उस संबंध में विधेयक संसद में प्रस्तुत नहीं किया गया था. वह किसी भी समय प्रस्तुत किया जा सकता था. लेकिन ताजा समाचार यह है कि, सरकार ने अपना यह इरादा बदल दिया है. केवल सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के कार्यालय को इस कानून की परिधी से परे रखें या नहीं, केवल इस पर ही विचार किया जा रहा है. वह शीघ्र ही पूर्ण होगा, और सरकारी निर्णय यथाशीघ्र जनता के सामने आएगा, ऐसी आशा है. केवल रक्षा मंत्रालय अथवा खुफिया विभाग की ही जानकारी गोपनीय होनी चाहिए. फाईलों पर की अधिकारियों की टिपप्पणियॉं भी, सूचना के अधिकार से परे रखी गई, तो आदर्शघोटाले में फँसे महाराष्ट्र के भूतपूर्व मुख्यमंत्रियों जैसे लोगों के घोटाले कभी सामने आ ही नहीं सकते. तात्पर्य यह कि, सूचना के अधिकार का कानून उपयुक्त है. उसकी धाक सरकारी यंत्रणा पर होनी ही चाहिए. अपना प्रशासन स्वच्छ और पारदर्शी हो, ऐसी मन से इच्छा रखने वाली सरकार ने तो ऐसे कानून का सच्चे मन से स्वागत ही करना चाहिए.

- मा. गो. वैद्य
(अनुवाद : विकास कुलकर्णी )



Ahmedabad, Nov. 09, 2012 – “During the reign of Chief Minister Narendra Modi there has not only been development in Gujarat but the Gujarati society has got empowered too”, remarked Sri Ashok Singhal, former President of Vishva Hindu Parishad Int’L and now its Chief Patron congratulating the people of Gujarat on the occasion of the national meet of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha here.

He said: “I remember during the Congress rule in the State attacks on Sri Jagannath Rath Yatra had become an annual ritual and the ‘secular’ government used clamping of ‘curfew’ as a ploy to put down the Hindu society by stopping Rath Yaatra or putting hurdles to neutralize the occasion. This ‘appeasement’ and ‘secular’ formula to do away with any occasion of Hindu celebration was replicated on the occasion of Janmashtami also. During Sri Modiji’s period in office for the last ten years our celebrations and the Rath Yatras have been going on peacefully and the violence mongers no longer have any back-up now and there is the atmosphere of peace and development all around.”

“To Hindus Gow-Mata (Mother Cow) is a point of faith and reverence. Due to the appeal by the Government of Gujarat a seven-Judge bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court did not accept cow slaughter by the butchers as being under the fundamental right to occupation and accepted the total ban on the slaughter of cow & its progeny as a right step. The Congress on the other hand encouraged cow slaughter designating the dastardly act as ‘pink revolution’ at par with ‘green revolution’ and made Bharat the biggest exporter of beef,” said Sri Singhal.

He further said: “The same Congress-led UPA government at the centre also had the temerity to submit an affidavit in the Supreme Court asserting that Sri Ram’s existence in Bharat had no historical proof and that it was only an imaginative story and a myth and this affidavit was meant to assert that the non-existence of Ram proved the non-existence and meaninglessness of the Ram Setu.”

“Today the greatest hurdles on the way to the construction of Sri Rama Janma Bhumi Temple are the so-called secular forces like the Congress. The people of Gujarat have challenged such pseudo-secular forces and given the power of governance of Gujarat in the hands of Sri Narendra Modi.” he said.

“I believe the people of Gujarat would continue to maintain this confidence.  The global Hindu community is keenly watching the people of Gujarat. Gujarat will continue to maintain the air of confidence, development, and self-esteem that has come to prevail during the last ten years and I heartily congratulate the people of Gujarat for the same.”

“The Vishva Hindu Parishad is in full gear to see to it that the evil façe of the pseudo-secular forces does not come again to the driving seat of Gujarat.”

“I believe that the workers/cadres of Vishva Hindu Parishad-Gujarat would continue to work with vigilance about the divisive forces that have the agenda to drive a wedge in Hindu society. Many powers from across the world are attracted and impressed by the people of Gujarat and the Government of Gujarat.”

Chief Patron
Vishva Hindu Parishad

मुद्दा: सब कुछ नहीं है धन

Dainik Jagranयदि कोई देश समृद्धि की दिशा में आगे बढ़ रहा है तो इसका यह मतलब नहीं है कि वहां के नागरिकों की खुशी में भी इजाफा होगा। एक सर्वे के मुताबिक देशों की आर्थिक तरक्की का संबंध वहां के लोगों की प्रसन्नता से नहीं है:
मकसद : इस सर्वे का मकसद उस आम धारणा का पता लगाना था कि क्या अमीर देशों के नागरिक औसतन ज्यादा सुखी हैं? क्या राष्ट्र की सकल घरेलू उत्पाद [जीडीपी] बढ़ने से नागरिकों की प्रसन्नता की भावना में भी इजाफा होता है?
सर्वे: शोधकर्ताओं ने 37 देशों के जीवन संतुष्टि आंकड़े लिए। इनमें विकसित और विकासशील देश, अमीर और गरीब, पूर्व साम्यवादी और पूंजीपति देश शामिल किए गए। इनमें 2005 तक विभिन्न कालखंड के 12-34 साल के नागरिकों के आंकड़े एकत्रित किए गए।
आय बनाम खुशहाली: चीन, चिली और दक्षिण कोरिया जैसे देशों की पिछले 20 वर्षो में प्रति व्यक्ति आय दोगुनी हुई है लेकिन व्यक्तियों की खुशहाली की भावना में अपेक्षित बढ़ोतरी नहीं पाई गई।
-चीन और चिली में कुछ हद तक जीवन संतुष्टि पाई गई लेकिन ऐसे लोगों की संख्या आंकड़ों के लिहाज से महत्वपूर्ण नहीं थी।
-दक्षिण कोरिया में नवें दशक में जीवन संतुष्टि का भाव कुछ हद तक आया लेकिन 1990-2005 में उसमें गिरावट पाई गई।
निष्कर्ष : सर्वे में पाया गया कि एक निश्चित समय अवधि में तो राष्ट्रों के बीच और उसके भीतर इन दोनों के बीच संबंध है लेकिन दीर्घ अवधि में ऐसा नहीं है।

Dainik Jagran

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tamil, Tamil Church and Tamil Muslim Groups – Militant Convergence in Geopolitics

Author: Radha Rajan
Date: October 22, 2012

SP Udayakumar has allegedly gone ‘underground’ and the Tamil Nadu police will allow him the luxury of his grandiose delusions until the government issues instructions to drag him out of his hole. It is intriguing though that despite the fact that the police have issued a non-bailable warrant against Udayakumar, the man has not surrendered and the police have not arrested him yet. If some newspaper reports are to be believed, Udayakumar and his gang have dug up roads in Idinthakarai to make sure police vehicles do not enter the village. And thereby hangs a tale.

The rise of Udayakumar is symptomatic of the alarming and visible ascendancy of Tamil Nadu Church and Tamil Islam almost simultaneously in the state’s polity, which is cause for concern. Adherents of the Abrahamic cults owe their political ascendancy in large measure to the country’s general public discourse on religious minorities; in Tamil Nadu, the discourse is determined by Dravidian political ideology. The Congress and the BJP have not managed to change even a syllable in this anti-Nation, separatist Dravidian political discourse of which minority-pandering is an integral component; the Congress because politics of minority-ism is a Gandhi/Nehru creation and the BJP because its spine is not made of stainless-steel.

The violence of Christians in the coastal districts and hamlets of Tamil Nadu over Kudankulam and the latest in the series of Muslim violence over the film Innocence of Muslims must be cause for concern because when the Abrahamic religionists become assertive, separatism and secessionism are not far away. Needless to say, separatism and secessionism are Abrahamic politico-religious objectives. Demographic aggression achieved through religious conversion, and terrorism running simultaneously and parallel to shrewd NGO activism on human rights to condition the national mind in their favour, are their tried and tested weapons.

The guilt-jerker film My Name is Khan starring Shahrukh Khan is a milestone in this conditioning-the-national-mind exercise; it seems even the Supreme Court, judging from its comments on Gujarat TADA cases, suffers from Khan’s Syndrome. Soli Sorabjee came up with his own guilt-jerker and elevated Madras High Court Lawyer Ajmal Khan to the same high table with Shahrukh Khan.

The writer personally found Tere Bin-Laden to be the antidote to Khan Syndrome; not to say roll-on-the-ground funny. The film may have packaged Islamic terrorism in comedy but the comedy, like all good comedies, spoke the truth. Tere Bin-Laden must be made compulsory viewing for the Supreme Court because while My Name is Khan sought to burden the country’s non-Muslims with guilt, Tere Bin-Laden turned the tables neatly the other way round. Even the dreaded Lashkar-e-Toiba has been lampooned mercilessly with Lashkar-e-Amreeka.

Notwithstanding the fact that the judiciary’s assembly line has periodically delivered Muslims as ordinary judges and exalted Chief Justices to the High Courts of the country and the Supreme Court, the opportunist Ajmal Khan tried selling us the lemon that he was not elevated as judge to the Madras High Court because his name was Khan and the country thought he was a terrorist.

As if pandering to ‘Innocent Muslim’ sentiment was not enough, not once did the country’s craven electronic media show visuals of the St. Lourdes Mary Church at Idinthakarai or the Our Lady of Snows basilica at Tuticorin which Udayakumar and assorted padris used and continue to use as their base camp. It bears mention that television news channels are not half as coy or restrained when they show us video footages of shouting, stone-throwing, rioting Muslim mobs in Chennai, Azad Maidan, Kolkata or Amdavad; we are forced to conclude that India’s television news channels, half Christian-half Christianized, take their cue from across the Pacific Ocean.

In India, this has a bearing on politics of minority-ism because while a Muslim mob looks Muslim, a Christian mob cannot be easily identified as being Christian. And that is why the electronic media’s refusal to show the churches from where the padris and Udayakumar and Co. were plotting their war campaign, the churches which exhorted the faithful to march towards the nuclear reactors, and the churches before which the mob assembled before marching towards the reactor site, is condemnable, not to say typical of the Christian/ Christianized media’s Abrahamic double standards.

However The Hindu did carry a tell-tale picture of padris from the Madurai-Ramnad diocese marching glumly candles in hand, protesting police action in Idinthakarai; tell-tale because it is the Tamil brown church, funded and prodded from behind by the white Generic Church, which is waging war against the government and people of Tamil Nadu at Kudankulam.

· “Announcements were made by priests in a few churches in the coastal villages of the district on Saturday morning appealing to the “devotees to join the satyagraha on Sunday”. (The Hindu, page 11, Sunday, September 9, Protestors plan to lay siege to Kudankulam site today)

· “In Tuticorin a crowd gathered in front of Our Lady of Snows basilica and blocked vehicular traffic. The agitators forcibly took away four police personnel including two women to marriage hall at Periyathaalai and released them in the evening”. (The Hindu, Tuesday September 11, Anti-nuclear protest turns violent)

Read this together with the fact that it is Rev. Fr. Jesuraj (Secretary Palayamkottai Diocese) and Rev.Fr. Jayakumar (parish priest at Idunthakarai), who with SP Udayakumar and Pushparayan are the leading kindly lights, the Christian priestly and laity elite in the forefront of the Anti-Kudankulam campaign of disinformation.

For one whole week this month, this unholy group spearheaded the anti-police riots and violence along the coastal hamlets and districts of Tamil Nadu. Again, the print media in the main takes great care not to make even inadvertent mention of “Rev. Fr” when writing about Jesuraj and Jayakumar.

Top police officials confessed privately that “innocent” fisher-folks, including fist-waving, leap-frogging, belligerent fisherwomen, had spread out fishing nets on the sands of Idinthakarai and Kudankulam beach to trap policemen on duty and drag them into the ocean. Attacking policemen, molesting policewomen on duty, burning police vehicles and police stations, and making the entire police force the chosen targets for violence, has become the trademark of Abrahamic cults across the country and particularly in Tamil Nadu – Muslims, Christians, Tamil terrorists, Tamil chauvinist lawyers of Tamil Nadu courts and Maoists / Naxals.

Despite the sharp difference in ideologies and end objectives, these extremist groups have found a point of convergence in Tamil Nadu – the anti-police, anti-Hindu point. The entry of Naxals/Maoists into the state in the garb of a “fact-finding” team, seeking to use the anti-Kudankulam unrest to set up shop in Tamil Nadu again is evident from the tell-tale places to which the activists belong in the report below.

All the 11 persons arrested by the police at Nanguneri in Tirunelveli district on Friday were remanded to judicial custody till Monday (October 15). As the police suspected that the 11-member team, posing as a ‘fact-finding committee’ and heading towards anti-Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project protest hub Idinthakarai, might have links with the banned outfits of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand, they were arrested.

Again, Tamil extremist, Tamil Christian, Tamil Muslim and Tamil chauvinist lawyer groups converge here –
Leaders of various political parties opposed to the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) will gherao the Fort St. George on October 29 in support of four Charter of Demands, including closure of the plant. 
Talking to reporters, Manithaneya Makkal Katchi MLA MH Jawahirullah said that people against the KKNPP were expressing their opposition in a peaceful manner and the government sought to suppress them with the aid of police. Police has invoked Sec. 144 in Idinthakarai and neighbouring villages and the entire area looked like a graveyard. It should be immediately withdrawn”, he said. 
Mr. Jawahirullah said Viduthalai Chiruthaikal Katchi (VCK) leader Thol. Thirumavalavan and Periar Dravidar Kazhagam leader Kolathur Mani and many others would take part in the protest. MDMK leader Vaiko is also expected to join the protestors. (Political parties to gherao Fort St. George, The Hindu October 18, 2012, page 5) 

Members from various outfits staged demonstrations and road blockades in different locations here on Tuesday in support of the anti-nuke agitators in Kudankulam on Monday. The Naam Tamilar Iyakkam leader Seeman and his followers were arrested in front of the Railway Junction here, when they attempted to block a train. They shouted slogans against the police for “unleashing violence” against the demonstrators, who were condemning the nuclear project in a democratic manner. “Even at this stage of filling fuel in the nuclear reactors, the governments can intervene and stop the KKNPP from going critical,” the speakers said. 

The Pattali Makkal Katchi president G.K. Mani and his party men staged a demonstration on Scott Road here in the forenoon. They condemned the “unilateral action” of the governments in establishing the KKNPP despite protests from people from different sectors. The Viduthalai Chiruthai Katchi functionaries also staged a demonstration near Kattabomman statue in Periyar bus stand against the attacks on the anti-nuke protestors in Kudankulam. The members from Madurai-Ramnad Diocese took out a march holding candles from East Gate to St. Mary’s Church in the evening. 

The students from Law College came to the road near the district court area in support of the KKNPP demonstrators. They shouted slogans to drop forthwith the establishment of the nuclear power plant. The Tamil Desiya Iyakkam and Republican Youth Federation members staged a demonstration and blocked road near Tamukkam area, the police said.

Tension had been mounting in the area after about 4,000 anti-KNPP protesters under the banner of ‘People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) led by SP Udayakumar, moved out of the Church premises from Idinthakarai coastal hamlet, 3 km north of Kudankulam, to the beach some 500 metres behind the N-plant, since Sunday afternoon. An unruly mob torched few vehicles, ransacked the Kudankulam Panchayat Office and burnt some records, the sources added.

Leaders of various political parties including P Nedumaran of MDMK, Thol Thirumavalavan (VCK),and PMK founder, Dr S Ramadoss strongly condemned the “brutal” police action against the ‘peacefully protesting fisher-folks’ who want the Russian-aided KNPP shut down

Even as Tamil and Christian extremist groups and Naxal outfits besieged Tamil Nadu, Muslim outfits launched their own attack against the Tamil Nadu police.

For five consecutive days starting Friday, 14th September, Tamil Nadu Muslims organized themselves to protest the offensive American film Innocence of Muslims produced by a Coptic Christian, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, living in America. Nakoula sought the support of another scumbag, Terry Jones, the Koran-burning Florida pastor who, after Geert Wilders is seen as the new Messiah come to deliver the white Christian baa-lamb from the rampaging Muslim wolf.

The pre-meditated and scheming American Christian mind to use expat populace living in the US to foment violence and instability in the countries of their origin (American Cubans, Iraqis, Iranians, Libyans, Syrians, Egyptians) was exposed yet again; it is a pity that Muslims, particularly Muslims living in America and Europe, instead of using their intelligence and financial wherewithal to return the insult by making their own film, unfortunately like Skinner’s rats, reacted to Christian provocation by letting loose organized violence on streets across the world, including in India, whose people had nothing to do with American provocation.

The Generic Church and its evil designs must therefore be first defeated with the mind. In Chennai, after Friday namaaz on 14th September, Muslims marched to the American Consulate on the arterial Anna Salai (Mount Road) located a few yards away from the Thousand Lights mosque, also on Anna Salai. Considering that anti-American violent protests were already raging in several world capitals, Muslim reaction in Chennai can only be termed ‘late’ by Muslim standards and almost an after-thought.

Muslims in Kolkata took to the streets a good 10 days after the protests subsided in Chennai and Gujarat’s Muslims let loose organized and pre-meditated violence by burning vehicles on the streets of Amdavad, burning a police station and molesting women police constables. This was Abrahamic SOP.

 We are shocked at yesterday’s [3 October 2012] incidents in the old city [Ahmedabad] and we strongly condemn the violence perpetrated by miscreants during yesterday’s protest rally. Attacking and burning of vehicles, police personnel and the only women police station in the old city is highly condemnable and unaccepted behaviour. It is very clear that the protest yesterday was instigated by certain people with vested interests, with the help of certain miscreant elements from the Muslim community, who have been wooed over the past year. We have a hunch that with elections already announced and no other way of creating trouble probably this is a route which has been taken by those who want to polarise the voters.

(Signed: Dev Desai - Anhad Yuva Manch, Fr. Cedric Prakash – Prashant, Gagan Sethi - Centre for Social Justice, Gautam Thakker – PUCL, Hanif Lakdawala – Sanchetna, Indu Kumar Jani – Naya Marg, Mallika Sarabhai – Darpana, Manan Trivedi – Anhad, Manish Dhakad – Anhad, Manisha Trivedi – Anhad Mahila Manch, Nafisa Barot – Utthan, Prakash N Shah – Nirikshak, Shabnam Hashmi – Anhad, Sheba George – SAHRWARU, NAWO, Sofiya Khan – Safar, Zakia Soman – BMMA)

Thus spake the NGO industry, their plaintive whine saturated with fear that the Khan Syndrome was self-destructing under their noses. Muslim violence was no longer about protesting against Innocence of Muslims; it was about demonstrating to the world the global Muslim network which can bring Muslims to the streets at short-notice and their capacity for orchestrated and organized violence. The Chennai mob and the mob in Kolkata and Amdavad were on the streets to demonstrate the same.

In true Srinagar “innocent misguided Kashmiri youth” style, a 2000 strong Muslim mob in Chennai came out of their mosques after Friday namaaz, marched along Anna Salai and began to pelt shoes, stones and other improvised missiles at the walls of the American consulate. The surprisingly few security personnel, stationed outside on the road, stood by helplessly as the Muslim mob attempted to enter the consulate premises. The Chennai police arriving on the scene in classic Indian film style, at the very end of the film, shooed the Muslims away. This is not the police the writer knows so well.

So why did Chief Minister Jayalalithaa allow the Muslim mob to approach the consulate in such large numbers despite posters plastered on arterial roads the day before which openly declared Muslim intent to march to the American consulate? Why did she compel the TN police to take a soft line for five consecutive days? And why did the Commissioner of Police take the fall?

We may never know the answer, but at the end of the five-day charade, poor Commissioner Tripathy was made the sacrificial Bakrid lamb and transferred. Another case of where the rioters are let off scot free and the police is punished. When it comes to dealing with violent adherents of the two aggressive Abrahamic cults and violence-prone Tamil chauvinists, the country’s police is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t.

Five events in Tamil Nadu’s recent history prove that what seems to be sudden and accelerated Abrahamic aggression in public spaces is not so sudden as generally perceived but the result of calibrated and well-planned political strategy –

-  Hundreds of Muslims belonging to Tauheed Jamaat and Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam collecting at the Lalit Kala Academy which was hosting the FACT exhibition on Aurangzeb in March 2008

- The bloody and violent TN lawyers-police clashes that rocked the state for a greater part of 2008-’09 culminating in the events of February 7-9, 2009 in the Madras High Court; the lawyers were rioting with posters of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in their hands

- Paramakudi riots of September 2011

-  Anti-Kudankulam protests in September 2012

- Muslim riots against an American film insulting Muslim religious beliefs in September-October 2012

The visibility and political violence of the Abrahamic religionists has been caused in very large measure by -

1. The rise of jihadis like Palani Baba, Basha, Kerala’s Abdul Nasser Madhani, Imam Ali, Hyder Ali

2. The elevation of Emmanuel Sekaran Devendrar, a dalit Christian political leader belonging to the Devendra-Vellalar community to the status of ‘Guru’ for whom ‘Guru puja’ (another Hindu custom pirated and perverted by Indian Christians as part of Mission Enculturation) is performed with great fanfare by John Pandian

3. The rise of John Pandian in Tamil Nadu politics belonging to the same community as Emmanuel Sekaran and his political heir with a propensity for muscular and violent activism

4. The increasing visibility of Tamil Church, padris and nuns, Christian fisher-folk and Christian politicians like Vaiko and Church-funded new, splinter Dravidian political parties in the Sri Lankan Tamil issue, and in Kudankulam

5. The sudden rise of mammoth churches in prime localities in Chennai signifying huge money power

6. The mushrooming of small churches, prayer houses and roadside Jesus and Mary shrines simply to deter Hindus from building traditional Mucchandi Ganesha shrines

Readers may see the quantum of White Christian foreign funds coming into Tamil Nadu for brown churches and Christian NGOs which in turn allegedly -

-  Fund political parties,

- Fund television channels

- Set up departments of human rights, mass communication and journalism in Tamil Nadu colleges and universities

- Fund political activism

-  Religious conversion and

- Provide the wherewithal to build small and big churches simply to occupy public space as a part of their larger agenda in politics of public spaces.

The FCRA website of the Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI lists all NGOs receiving more than one crore rupees every year and as readers will see, nearly 90% of the NGOs on this list are Christian NGOs.

The visibility and political violence of the Abrahamic cults is driven also by the creation of new Christian, Tamil chauvinist and Muslim outfits like -

1.      Vaiko’s MDMK

2.     Ramdoss’ PMK

3.     Dalit Panthers

4.     Viduthalai Chiruthai,

5.     Anaithindiya (All-India) Thamizhaga (Tamil) Munnetra Kazhagam (progressive front)

6.     Christhava Makkal Katchi (Christian Peoples’ Party)

7.     Christian Munnetra Kazhagam

8.     Christian Democratic Front

9.     Tauheed Jama-at

10. Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam

11.   Manithaneya Pasarai and

12. Manithaneya Makkal Katchi

The names listed above constitute only the very tip of a massive iceberg; a comprehensive list of all these outfits may be accessed at this government website which lists 110 such Tamil-extremist, Muslim and Christian outfits from serial numbers 37-147. All of them signal the alarming ascendancy of Christian, Tamil extremist and Muslim outfits and individuals in Tamil Nadu with a definite anti-police, anti-establishment and anti-Hindu orientation.

This country’s perverted discourse on human rights and an equally perverted applied discourse in anti-Hindu, anti-police & army secularism, as crafted first by Gandhi as Congress creed and then implemented by Nehru as independent India’s governing political principle, has ensured that no government or government agency will act against them. If anything, the country’s judiciary and media have been the loudest proponents of their human rights. The NGO industry has succeeded in making the human rights of the Abrahamic so-called minorities and the human rights of Hindus and the country’s armed forces and police a zero sum game.

It all began in 1946. On 1st July 1946, communal riots broke out in Amdavad on rath yatra day. Morarji Desai the then Minister of Home and Revenue in the Government of Bombay, calls in the military to deal with the riots. Gandhi, as was his wont, gave Morarji Desai a dressing down and orders him to withdraw the military. Gandhi for good measure added that if Morarji Desai could not withdraw the military he should ask them to do policing.

Quite impervious to Muslim capacity for violence, Gandhi told Morarji Desai that the military should not carry rifles when dealing with communal riots. “They may not carry rifles and if they carry bayonets, these should be used sparingly. Don’t mind if a few have to die. They have been trained to act like monkeys. Under your administration they should cease to be monkeys and become human beings”. (Letter to Morarji Desai Poona July 1, CWMG Vol.99, pp 222-3)

The manner in which successive Dravidian Tamil Nadu governments have dealt with Muslim violence on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi processions is the direct legacy of Gandhian prescription in 1946-47 to deal with rioting Muslims. Gandhi did not address the question and no Hindu in the INC or outside has ever raised the question, “Why should Muslims object to Hindus going in a procession on rath yatra day and Ganesh visarjan day”?

The writer was sitting in the local police station a month ago and overheard the station Inspector speaking on the phone. It is a little known fact that under instructions from the Chief Minister/Home Secretary, the police as SOP will not to allow Hindus to carry their Ganeshas in a procession on any road where there is a mosque.

Villainous Hindus may think that this is the most sensible way to avert Muslim violence; but from 1946 till 2012, the nation’s polity has not raised the question why Muslims object to Hindu religious processions passing by their mosques? And because India’s foolish Hindu secularists do not want to confront Muslim proclivity for violence and therefore choose the easier option to advise Hindus to take a circuitous route, the Muslim community takes it for granted that it is their religious and political right not to allow Hindus to go in a procession not only on roads where there are mosques, but even in localities where they are in a majority.

Hindu cowards will not answer this question, but the answer to why Muslims will not allow any Hindu procession on what is politely termed “sensitive roads” may be found in the events of 1946 soon after the Muslim League proclaimed Direct Action Day on August 16, 1946. Muslim mob violence that the country witnessed repeatedly in 2012 in the month of Ramzan, too has its antecedents in 1946.

It is critical to recall 1946 to mind if only to dispel any delusion idiot Hindus may have that when Muslims congregate on the streets in large numbers it is a carnival. Mosques, like churches, are not just places where their adherents congregate for prayer, but also war offices where they gather to plot their war strategy. When the Muslim League proclaimed Direct Action, not only were calls made from mosques and madarasas to unleash jihad against Hindus, but leaflets proclaiming jihad surfaced across the country.

Mr. Jinnah declared, “What we have done today is the most historic act in our history. Never have we in the whole history of the League done anything except by constitutional methods and by constitutionalism. But now we are obliged and forced into this position. This day we bid good-bye to constitutional methods. Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar was reported to have said that Pakistan could only be achieved by shedding blood; and if opportunity arose, the blood of non-Muslims must be shed, for Muslims are no believers in ahimsa. Khwaja Nazimuddin (Home Minister in the Muslim League Bengal Provincial Government) declared that Leaguers were not pledged to non-violence.

It was in the month of Ramzan that the Holy Quran was revealed. It was in this month of Ramzan that 313 Muslims were victorious through the grace of God over many Kaffirs in the battle of Badr and the jehad of Muslims commenced.

By the grace of God we are ten crores in India but through bad luck we have become slaves of the Hindus and the British. We are starting jehad in Your Name in this very month of Ramzan. We promise before You that we entirely depend on You. Pray make us strong in body and mind – give Your helping hand in all our actions – make us victorious over the kaffirs – enable us to establish the Kingdom of Islam in India and make proper sacrifices for this jehad – by the grace of God may we build up in India the greatest Islamic kingdom in the world.

The sword of Islam must be shining on the heavens and will subdue all evil designs. We Muslims have had the Crown and have ruled. Do not lose heart. Be ready and take your swords. Think you Muslims, why we are under the kaffirs today. The result of loving the kaffirs is not good. Oh kaffir, do not be proud and happy. Your doom is not far and the general massacre will come. We shall show our glory with swords in hands and will have a special victory. (Direct Action Day and After, Excerpts from Chapter Two, Stern Reckoning: A Survey of Events Leading up to and Following the Partition of India by GD Khosla)

Kottaimedu in Coimbatore, Melvisharam and Arcot in Vellore, Melapalayam in Tirunelveli are symptoms of Muslim ascendancy in Tamil Nadu. These are walled localities and police-proof, signifying that for Muslims, Islamizing the rest of India continues to remain the unfinished agenda of partition.

Muslim street power under this pretext or that signals the beginning of renewed jihad to Islamize India, and Christian mob power as seen in the Madras High Court and other courts under the pretext of speaking for Sri Lanka’s Tamil-speaking populace, and now across the state against Russian reactors in Kudankulam, signals the Generic Church’s readiness to make the final push to Christianize India part by part.

Unlike Islam which has no use for any other weapon besides jihad, the Church penetrates the Hindu body as one small solitary cancerous cell which then preys upon the very body which housed it and spreads fast like a disease until the hospitable body is wasted.

How have governments, the media and the country’s judiciary responded to Tamil extremism and Abrahamic violence? Let us begin with the immanent wisdom of our judges in the Supreme Court while holding forth on the issue of Salwa Judum, the counter-insurgency peoples’ group to Maoist/Naxal terrorism in the BJP-ruled state of Chhattisgarh.

Going by the words of the judges themselves, it is clear that their views and therefore the judgment pronounced have been inspired in no small measure by bleeding heart NGOs and activists who screech for the human rights of jihadis, proselytisers and Maoists every time either the concerned government or the victims organize themselves to hit back at the terrorists.

Nandini Sundar, the petitioner in this infamous case, inheriting the “subaltern academic cum activist” mantle from Neera Chandhoke and Arundhati Roy, went to the Supreme Court against the BJP-ruled state of Chhattisgarh.

We, the people as a nation, constituted ourselves as a sovereign democratic republic to conduct our affairs within the four corners of the Constitution, its goals and values. We expect the benefits of democratic participation to flow to us all of us so that we can take our rightful place in the league of nations befitting our heritage and collective genius.

The State of Chhattisgarh claims that it has a constitutional sanction to perpetrate, indefinitely, a regime of gross violation of human rights in a manner, and by adopting the same modes, as done by Maoist/Naxalite extremists.

The State of Chhattisgarh also claims that it has the powers to arm, with guns, thousands of mostly illiterate or barely literate young men of the tribal tracts, who are appointed as temporary police officers, with little or no training, and even lesser clarity about the chain of command to control the activities of such a force to fight the battle against alleged Maoist extremists.

People do not take up arms, in an organized fashion, against the might of the State, or against fellow human beings without rhyme or reason. Survival, and according to Thomas Hobbes, a fear of lawlessness that is encoded in our collective conscience, we seek an order. However, when that order comes with the price of dehumanization, of manifest injustices of all forms perpetrated against the weak, the poor and the deprived, people revolt.

That large tracts of the State of Chhattisgarh have been affected by Maoist activities is widely known. The situation in Chhattisgarh is undoubtedly deeply distressing to any reasonable person. What was doubly dismaying to us was the repeated insistence, by the respondents, that the only option for the State was to rule with an iron fist, establish a social order in which every person is to be treated as suspect, and any one speaking for human rights of citizens to be deemed as suspect, and a Maoist.

In this bleak and miasmic world view propounded by the respondents in the instant case, historian Ramchandra Guha, noted academic Nandini Sunder, civil society leader Swami Agnivesh, and a former and well reputed bureaucrat, E.A.S. Sarma, were all to be treated as Maoists, or supporters of Maoists.

We must state that we were aghast at the blindness to constitutional limitations of the State of Chhattisgarh and some of its advocates in claiming that anyone who questions the conditions of inhumanity that are rampant in many parts of that state ought to necessarily be treated as Maoists, or their sympathizers, and yet in the same breath also claim that it needs the constitutional sanction, under our Constitution, to perpetrate its policies of ruthless violence against the people of Chhattisgarh to establish a Constitutional order. (Writ Petition (Civil) No. 250 of 2007, Nandini Sundar and Ors. Versus the State of Chhattisgarh)

As Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court Aryamma Sundaram pointed out in Chennai a few months ago, it does not bode well for the country to have an activist judiciary which leads to judicial overreach; it is worse when our judges are driven by NGOs and human rights activists and are tempted to encroach in the executive domain. As things stand today, there is really no systemic devise to discourage and neutralise judicial activism often crossing the well-defined, dividing line and trespassing into the domain of elected governments constituting gross judicial impropriety.

In this instance, the Supreme Court functioned under the presumption that it has the unchallenged right to dictate to an elected government about how to fight insurgency and terrorists.

In its affidavit, the Chhattisgarh government stated, “that between 2004 to 2010, 2298 attacks by Naxalites occurred in the State, and 538 police and para military personnel had been killed; that in addition 169 Special Officers, 32 government employees (not police) and 1064 villagers had also been killed in such attacks; that the SPOs form an integral part of the overall security apparatus in the naxal affected districts of the State; and that the Chintalnar area of Dantewada District is the worst affected area, with 76 security personnel killed in one incident”.

Maoist terrorists make the police force their chosen targets; the intention being to allow them unfettered access to villages and villagers. To discourage any attempt by villagers to seek refuge in government relief camps, these terrorists have no compunction about attacking relief camps too. According to the affidavit of the Chhattisgarh government in the Supreme Court –

The appointment of SPOs is necessary because of the attacks against relief camps for displaced villagers by Naxals; that the total number of attacks by Maoists between 2005 to 2011 were 41, in which 47 persons were killed and 37 injured, with figures in Dantewada being 24 attacks, 37 persons killed and 26 injured.

With all these facts before it the Supreme Court nevertheless felt compelled to justify Maoist terrorism with the observation –

People do not take up arms, in an organized fashion, against the might of the State, or against fellow human beings without rhyme or reason....However, when that order comes with the price of dehumanization, of manifest injustices of all forms perpetrated against the weak, the poor and the deprived, people revolt.

The wise judges of the Supreme Court have pronounced as part of their judgement, that terrorists who pick up arms against the state and ordinary people have rhyme and reason for doing so. And that is why the Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom has provided Maoist/ Naxal terrorism the fig-leaf “people revolt”. In human rights industry jargon, terrorism is ‘people revolt’ and terrorists are ‘rebels’.

Indeed! This priceless Supreme Court logic, derived from subaltern academics like Ramachadra Guha and Nandini Sundar, and from activists like Swami Agnivesh, Mahasweta Devi, Sandeep Pandey – Naxal sympathisers all, holds equally good for jihadis and their sympathisers Arundhati Roy, Gautam Navalakha and Ram Puniyani.

The Supreme Court and Nandini Sundar are equally guilty of dehumanizing the police force, the SPOs and the ordinary people in relief camps killed by the Maoists by making their deaths invisible and inconsequential.

By Supreme Court reasoning, the rioting Muslim mobs in Mumbai’s Azad Maidan, in Chennai, in Kolkata and in Amdavad should also be termed ‘people revolt” because these rioters also claim they had rhyme and reason; these riots too were the result of “manifest injustices” which the Muslim community, seeking refuge behind the Supreme Court, pointed to as being the cause for Ramzan riots.   

The only species to which Supreme Court logic does not apply is the Hindus of the country, Hindus of Gujarat in particular and Narendra Modi.

- On 30 October, 1990, Mulayam Singh Yadav, both eyes fixed firmly on Muslim votebank, opened fire against Srirama bhaktas in Ayodhya on the banks of the sacred Sarayu River

- Lalu Prasad Yadav dismissed the jihadi genocide of Hindu men, women and children in the Sabarmati Express as “only karsevaks were killed” and ordered a probe by Justice UC Bannerjee whose funny report exonerating jihadis was dismissed by the Gujarat High Court in 2006

- Following faithfully in the footsteps of Indira Gandhi’s Home Minister Gulzarilal Nanda, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Home Minister P Chidambaram ordered the midnight crackdown on Baba Ramdev and thousands of his bhaktas, ordinary Hindu men, women and children

- While “people revolt” because of “manifest injustices” logic is applied to jihadis and Maoists, the same logic is not applied to Sadhvi Pragya and Swami Aseemanand and this is Hindu bhumi

The twisted political discourse which influences government response to Hindu anger and judicial response to Maoist terrorism influenced the judiciary also in the case of the violent lawyer-police clashes on February 19, 2009.

While the five member bench which was constituted to enquire into the issue of pro-LTTE and pro-Prabhakaran slogan shouting lawyers who barged into a court in session and assaulted Dr. Subramanian Swamy and litigants and visitors, did not hold even one sitting, another bench of the Madras High Court punished the police force by holding them in contempt of court. The then Chief Justice of India, KG Balakrishnan also held senior police officers responsible for the clashes and had them shunted out of office.

The prevailing public discourse in the country in government, administration and judiciary is – governments cannot act firmly against terrorists, rioters and even small-time petty anti-social elements if they belong to the Abrahamic minorities or if they are Maoists supported by those whom Arun Shourie labels ‘eminent’ subaltern historians and academics. Hindus have no right to anger against Abrahamic minorities operating from within the secularism armour, police have to grin and bear it when they are killed, when they are physically assaulted, when police stations are set on fire.

This perverted governing political ideology owes its existence in equal measure to Gandhi and Nehru. Gandhi who refused to go to Bengal when Hindus were burning in jihadi fire but went there when the fire had already burnt itself out and castigated Hindus for living in fear and allowing themselves to be raped and forcibly converted to Islam instead of committing suicide. Gandhi whose words had no impact on the Muslim League or the Muslims but who threatened to go on a fast-unto-death in Bihar’s Hindus continued to avenge the death of Hindus in Bengal.

Nehru who declared that the threat to post-vivisection Hindu India was not from communists, or Muslims who remained in India because they thought partition had left them with an unfinished agenda, but self-conscious political Hindus who understood the political objectives of the Abrahamic cults.

This political discourse has unleashed Christian missionaries upon the nation, has empowered the Muslim community through artificial mechanisms like the Sachar Committee report and Equal Opportunities Commission, has kept J&K perennially on the brink, has pushed the country’s North-east into the arms of the predatory church, has disempowered ordinary Hindus educationally, economically and politically, has created dangerous Muslim majority and Christian majority regions not only in Kerala after 1947, but now in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

It is this perverted political governing principle called politics of minority-ism which has given birth to this new multi-headed monster called anti-Hindu, anti-police, anti-establishment Tamil-Tamil Muslim-Tamil Christian-Maoist alliance in Tamil Nadu politics. The Tamil secessionist movement in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka is supported openly by the brown church, covertly by the Generic Church, while Muslims watch alertly from the sidelines to take away their piece when the church makes its final push for secession.

Continuing anti-Kudankulam protests, that SP Udayakumar is still loose, lawyers-police violent clashes, negative trends in the judiciary, government control and impoverishment of Hindu temples, growing visibility of beef in Tamil Nadu, depleting cattle wealth... are all indices of Hindu disempowerment which is proportionate to the growing ascendancy of the Abrahamic cults. These are also manifest symptoms of a tectonic imbalance in religious demography.

- The author is editor,